Why Is Gen Z So Obsessed With Manifestation?

From the "Lucky Girl" Syndrome to angel numbers, it seems we're all on a spiritual journey of some kind, but it's Gen Z who are taking the lead when it comes to manifestation. Depending on where your For You page has taken you, the manifestation side of TikTok is a sight to behold, you'll hear chants from people attempting to materialise their dream life or journaling techniques from manifestation gurus who believe there's power in the pen.

All in all, there's around 1.3 million posts about manifesting on the social media app, followed by over 111 million posts (spotted the angel number there?) of people sharing their tried and tested manifestation methods.

Journalist Mollie Quirk has been ahead of the manifestation trend since 2017, dipping into the law of attraction, moon cycles and astrology to get a better perspective of what the universe holds for her. "I wanted to manifest and create my dream life, but didn't know where to begin. I started off by reading The Secret and began writing a gratitude list every day. I then started writing affirmations each day too, and a lot of manifestations written into my journal every day without fail. I'd also listen to subliminal affirmations and meditations on YouTube, which I believe really ingrained this way of thinking.

Before I knew it, I was making vision boards to hang in my room and digital ones for my phone lock screen, Quirk adds, revealing that her manifestation rituals have led to her dream life unfolding before her eyes.

"Since I began practising gratitude and manifestation rituals, I'd say I have pretty much manifested my dream life. I was living in Eastbourne but wanted to live in London β€” I now do. I was in college and wanted to go to university and get a first class degree β€” and I did. I wanted to write for national newspapers and magazines - I do and I have. There are so many other things β€” money, material things, my cat, experiences, the friends and people I have in my life too."

Quirk says: "I am actively manifesting my dream job and dream life, and I hope to soon manifest my dream relationship."

Success stories like Quirk's aren't difficult to come by either, which also has Gen Z weak at the knees for manifestation. New research from American Express reveals that nearly seven in 10 Gen Zs (69%) engage in manifestation practices, with over half saying it's to help them achieve their goals. Almost 39% believe it improves their well-being and helps attract opportunities.

This is all down to the joy and power that comes from connecting yourself and others in a deeper, more profound way says Giselle La Pompe-Moore, a spiritual guide, trauma-sensitive meditation teacher, Reiki master teacher, speaker and writer, who advocates the power of manifestation, and thinks you should too. She tells PS UK: "Practices like manifestation that encourage us to express ourselves and tune into more joy is such a nourishing practice."

Keep reading for Pompe-Moore's breakdown on the Gen Z spiritual awakening and how you can manifest the life you've always dreamed of.

What Is Manifestation?

"Manifestation occurs as a side effect of doing inner work and just living life. It's both intentional and unintentional," Pompe-Moore tells PS UK. "It's where you change how you see and respond to the world around you and receive the opportunities that will most benefit you; almost without asking for it."

She adds: "It isn't always about the physical things you can get, but your life just feels limitless, rich with potential and where you can move through whatever you're going through."

Which Manifestation Techniques Can I Try?

In order to get stuck into manifestation, you have to believe in yourself, and we don't mean that in the cringey way, but quite literally. "Having a strong sense of self, believing in what you once thought was impossible and trusting yourself is powerful," Pompe-Moore explains. "Once you're living in the flow of that, then you can be intentional about the experiences you want to manifest that will give you joy, pleasure and a great time. It's super difficult to know what you want, if you don't know who you are."

Pompe-Moore recommends practising reflection and pretending you're a guest on a podcast, an exercise she calls Be A Guest. "On the 'podcast', share details about the life you're trying to create as if it's already happening right now. Work with the themes of love and relationships, career, self and lifestyle. Pretend that someone is asking you how you feel and what is happening in each of these areas and answer in present tense, reflecting on the work you've done beforehand will ensure you're saying what you actually want rather than what you think you should want."

When Can I See Manifestation Results?

So you've heard the success stories and have reflected on the results you want to see, but want a timeline for when your ideal world is going to start. Well, sorry to disappoint but that's not how it works.

Pompe-Moore tells us: "It sounds counter-intuitive, but manifesting really isn't about results, it's about life feeling absolutely delicious because you're being present, reflecting and understanding who you are and why you see yourself, other people and the world around you in the way you do. It's actually doing this inner work so that you know life still feels great if you don't have the dream job or handbag, but you're falling in love with yourself again. Manifesting is supposed to be fun, it's really not that deep!"

American Express has partnered with Giselle La Pompe-Moore to act as their official manifestation guru at American Express presents BST Hyde Park. Festival goers can visit The Amex Experience from 2pm to uncover their very own "festival persona", written by Giselle. To find out more follow @AmericanExpressUK on socials.

Lauren Gordon is the editorial coordinator at PS UK, where she creates lifestyle and identity content. Lauren has a degree in journalism from University of the Arts London and previously worked as a showbiz and TV reporter at The Mirror US. Lauren specialises in pop culture, hair and beauty, focusing on trends, sharing in-depth tutorials, and highlighting hidden gems in the beauty industry.