Stressed at Work? Try These Five Minute Tips to Boost Your Wellbeing

Young female programmer stretching her arms while working in the office.
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In today's fast-paced work environment, maintaining wellness can be a challenge. It's either your to-do list is mounting or someone just says something that can tip you over the edge. Many situations at work can trigger a spiral of anxiety and overwhelm, and it's so easy to get wrapped up in the stresses of work to the point where you can neglect your own wellbeing. However, wellness doesn't always have to be about getting a luxurious one-hour massage or taking yourself for a spa weekend. There are also a number of quick things you can do in a work setting to ground and look after yourself.

By incorporating principles from Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine that emphasises balance and harmony, you can significantly enhance your workplace wellbeing. PS UK sat down with Shalin Balasuriya, Co-Founder and Group Director of Ayurveda Wellness and Beauty brand Spa Ceylon, who has a number of suggestions on quick things you can do to maintain workplace wellness.

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Shalin Balasuriya is a wellness broadcaster, co-founder and group director of Ayurveda brand, Spa Ceylon.

Make Sure to Stretch

Balasuriya notes that it's important to regularly check and adjust your posture, making sure to stand and stretch throughout the day. "Good posture and stretching prevent musculoskeletal issues and reduce tension. Inverting your diaphragm through stretching can also alleviate tightness and improve breathing efficiency," he says. For those of us with office jobs, sitting down for prolonged periods of time with bad posture can have a huge impact. The founder explains: "Not only does posture help you physically, it also significantly impacts your mood, good posture can enhance feelings of confidence, positivity, and empowerment, while slouching or adopting poor posture can lead to feelings of stress, fatigue, and even depression. By consciously improving your posture, you not only support your physical well-being but also uplift your mood and overall mental health."

Take Time for Mindful Breathing

According to Balasuriya, taking a few minutes out to incorporate some Ayurvedic practices is important. "Dedicate a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day to mindfulness practices such as meditation or mindful breathing. This helps reduce stress, enhance emotional regulation, and improve overall wellbeing. It also encourages you to stay present and engaged."

Here are also some tips for mindfulness breathing or meditation techniques:

  • Sit up straight but not stiff, close your eyes and breathe at a normal pace.
  • At the end of your exhale, count one to yourself.
  • After the next exhale, count to two.
  • Follow this pattern up to a count of five, and then start over at one.
  • Repeat this for five minutes or so.
  • Throughout these five minutes, try your best not to allow your mind to wander to other thoughts.

    To Calm Your Mind, Use Aromatic Products

    When your environment feels calm, the rest will follow. In an office setting, the most handy thing you can reach for are aromatic products. "Incorporating aromatic products into your workspace can relax your senses, reduce anxiety and enhance focus. Use simple desk-side products such as balms,diffusers, mists and Aromaveda sachets for convenient use," Balasuriya says. Spa Ceylon have a number of handy products you can use to de-stress and recentre yourself in those overwhelming moments.

    Take a Nature Walk or Incorporate Nature Into Your Work Space

    If you're in an enclosed, high pressure environment, the importance of taking regular breaks and reconnecting with the outside world is important. However, in an office space there are also ways you can bring nature to you. Balasuriya explains: "Exposure to greenery boosts mood and reduces anxiety. Plants release phytoncides, which have been shown to lower stress hormone levels and enhance immune function." He highlights that some easy ways to incorporate this into your routine are to decorate your workspace with plants or take short walks around areas with greenery on your way to or from work.

    Listen to Relaxing Sounds

    The sound and sight of water are naturally calming and can significantly reduce stress and improve focus. Balasuriya tells PS UK that listening to water sounds can induce a meditative state, "lowering anxiety and enhancing relaxation". If possible, he suggests to take breaks near a river close to your workplace, if not, use a sound machine or a mobile app that plays water sounds to create a soothing atmosphere at your desk.

    Elevate Your Relationships in the Workplace

    You see your colleagues sometimes more than your own family, so ensuring you engage with them is important. The wellness broadcaster says: "Engage in acts of kindness, foster positive relationships at work and take part in activities that bring you joy and satisfaction, all of this can boost your oxytocin levels, leading to an upward spiral of positive emotions and wellbeing." He notes that these can be simple activities such as taking time to assist colleagues with their tasks and organising team-building activities to strengthen relationships are perfect way to help foster workplace wellness.

    By integrating these holistic practices into your daily routine, you can create a healthier, balanced and more productive work environment.

    Aaliyah Harry (she/her) is the associate editor at PS UK. She writes extensively across lifestyle, culture and beauty. Aaliyah also has a deep passion for telling stories and giving voice to the voiceless. Previously, she has contributed to Refinery29, Grazia UK and The Voice Newspaper.