Get Your Lower Abs to Show With This Trainer's 2-Move Exercise Ball Workout

In order to build muscle and strength in any muscle group, you need to constantly switch up the stimuli (exercises, sets, reps, and weight). If you're trying to strengthen and tone your abs but are only doing crunches, at some point you're going to hit a plateau. Thankfully, Shona Vertue, London-based trainer, has an intense two-move ab workout that will prevent you from ever hitting a plateau when it comes to your core strength.

The workout:

  1. Ball pike to bent knee pike: 20 reps
  2. Ball crunch with raised feet: 30 reps

In her Instagram caption, Shona explained that raising your hands and your feet will make the exercises more challenging. "Squeeze your hamstrings and glutes during the crunch position to activate more lower abdominal fibres," she added. Alternate between the two exercises above, completing three sets total.

See how Shona performs each move in the video above!
