Here's a 4-Step Guide to Lose Stubborn Body Fat

Whether you want to lose inches from your waist or puffiness off your face, you can't just target one area, unfortunately. When you lose fat, you lose overall body fat, and it melts off all parts of your body, and sometimes not in the places you expect (RIP, boobs).

As a fat-loss coach, Carter Good says, "I'm always getting asked about how to burn fat from specific areas . . . 'How do I lose belly fat?' 'How do I get rid of fat from my lower back?' 'How do I lose this elbow fat?' That last one's not a joke. I've been asked that question multiple times!" No matter where you want to lose stubborn body fat, the method is the same. "It all comes down to:
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  1. creating a calorie deficit
  2. exercising (preferably strength training)
  3. eating plenty of whole foods
  4. being patient . . . very, very patient"

All four are important and necessary, but the last one is especially, since the way your body stores and loses fat is unique to you. Your weightlifting buddy may lose weight faster than you, and that's OK. Don't get discouraged! Stubborn fat is the last to go, so just keep doing what you're doing and your consistently and patience will pay off.

One thing Carter wants to note is that getting rid of every single ounce and inch of body fat isn't realistic for most people. Women specifically have an extremely difficult time reaching very low body fat percentage levels, because our hormones want us to hold on to body fat in case we get pregnant. If we do dip below a certain percentage of body fat, we can lose our periods or have fertility issues.

His advice is to ask yourself, "Why do you want to be so 'shredded' in the first place? 🤔 If it's to compete in a show, then it means you are probably able to dedicate hours a day to your craft. If you're just trying to be leaner, healthier, and happier, then getting 'shredded' just isn't necessary. In fact, most people will find it just makes life more stressful and less enjoyable. Just something to think about 😊"
