The Way Chrissy Teigen Limits Her Kids’ Screen Time Is Actually Super Relatable

Even Chrissy Teigen struggles with limiting the amount of screen time her kids get. Like most other kids, 3-year-old Luna and 1-year-old Miles spend time in front of devices and television screens, but the mom of two is doing her best to make sure that they're also getting excited about screenless activities.

"You have to keep them involved in things they love and be a master at distraction," Chrissy said in an interview for Harper's Baazar. Luna will beg to use my phone, like beg, in bed because there's an app she loves."

"But there are certain situations, like when you're on a plane or in a restaurant, where goddammit, it's going to help those surrounding us."

But there are definitely times when Chrissy relents, like when the whole family is out in a busy place and her kids are antsy. "But there are certain situations, like when you're on a plane or in a restaurant, where goddammit, it's going to help those surrounding us. We are not those people that are like no screen time! So, you try to download all the coolest learning activities so at least they're learning something."

Aside from when they're out and about, though, Chrissy does her best to limit the daytime screen time to make sure her kids can go to bed — because we all know what a waking nightmare it is for us when our kids don't sleep at night. "It affects kids' sleep schedules too. Even if they just watch TV during the day, when they go to sleep they think back on it," she said, adding that Luna's sleep is also affected by what she watches. "Luna loves scary stuff and watching Hocus Pocus, and now she's really into the old Mary Kate and Ashley movies. There's a scary Halloween one, and even if she watches it during the day, she'll be scared at night."

Chrissy's main tip for limiting the amount of time her kids spend in front of devices and the TV is to redirect, redirect, redirect. "Kids are only crazy about something for a minute. So if you can get through a minute of that screaming and begging while you think of something else like an art project, a book or stickers, they forget they even wanted it in the first place. You have to get super amped about something else and they will match that excitement, and that's how you deal with it."
