Literally Just 87 Photos of Fluffy, Adorable Cats That'll Make Your Day

Unsplash | Erik-Jan Leusink

I was a total and complete dog person until I moved into an apartment building that didn't allow dogs but had nothing against cats. After two years of living without a fluffy fur baby, I decided it was time to become a cat person . . . and the rest is history. Now the proud mama to two pretty kitties, Grey and Swayze, I'm unsure how it was ever possible I didn't see a cat and grit my teeth out of pure joy. Whether you are already a cat person or need some convincing, like I did, I'm here to convert you.

Warning: you will have a clenched jaw and teary eyes after scrolling through these photos of cats — it's unavoidable.

Look at those baby blues!

We just want to snuggle this little babe.

Such a little fluff ball!

This kitty's colouring is so beautiful.

This little one is all ears!

Sleeping snout between the paws is the cutest position, hands down.

Alert and ready to play!

This curious cat is a gorgeous colour.

Just a handful of kitten.

Run, fluffy baby, run!

Just a little cat nap on a basket.

Sceptical, but so cute.

We need to know what this cat is so wide-eyed over!

Feline yawns are the BEST yawns.

Whatcha lookin' at, kitty?

Curling up for a nap.

Aww, play time between little kitty and big.

This cat needs a break from its walk.

Oh hello, little floof.

Can we get in on this cosy scene?!

Loooook at the pink toe beans!

Sleeping and showering at the same time, classic.

This little Siamese has the prettiest eyes.

This side profile is too cute to handle.

Hey there, kitten.

Upside-down nap time.

Even cat silhouettes are gorgeous.

Just enjoying the crisp Fall air.

We wonder what this little one is looking at.

Any spot is the best spot when it's nap time.

Look at those precious big eyes!

This kitty wants to grab the camera!

OMG, hello, little one.

Hide and seek in action!

Look at this adventurous little tree climber!

Awww, sleepy nugget.

This kitty looks like it's watching its favourite show.

Pensive little babe.

Could this curled-up cat be any cuter?

Treat time? Dinner time? Play time? Who knows, but it's cute.

This chair belongs to the cat now.

This outdoor kitty is so pretty.

Zoning out in the sunshine.

So many different colours in this little one's fur!

Look at this little guy's spots!

Awww, about to fall asleep.

This cat looks like it got caught sneaking around!

This cat doesn't look sure about being held by its human.

Is there anything cuter than a cat paw?

This cat looks ready to play!

Curled up on a chair is the best way to spend an afternoon.

Arms up if you love naps!

We want to boop this kitty's nose so badly.

Asleep in the bottom of a bucket, like it's normal.

This fluff ball looks so serious.

Look at this baby's little jingle collar!

Hiding under the blanket, dude?

Sleepy, fluffy, and 100 percent cute.

Awww, asleep in human's arms.

Look at those eyes!

This cat has some growing to do if it wants to match that deer.

This kitty almost looks like it was posing intentionally.

Oh my goodness, look how tiny!

On the fence tightrope.


We wish we could pet this orange guy so badly.

Just hangin' around.

Spying on the neighbours.

So many different colours in this little guy's fur.

Quiet in the middle of noise.

Going on an adventure!

Boxes make the best nap places.

Blending in with the floorboards.

This looks like the coziest blanket.

This looks so peaceful.

What's cozier — the fleece blanket or this fluffy kitten?

This looks like a senior portrait, and we're here for it.

Into the kitten's mouth.

Arm-of-the-couch naps rule.
