Seeing Angel Numbers Everywhere? A Numerologist Shares What They Mean

"It's 11:11, make a wish!" my friend reminds me. An 888 charm is hanging from my necklace and my phone wallpaper is peppered with triple threes, a symbol I've adopted as good luck. It's safe to say angel numbers are my thing and I'm not alone.

The angel number trend has over 54 million posts on TikTok, with people celebrating their 11:11 wish coming true, to others asking why they keep seeing a specific sequence, wondering what the spiritual significance could be.

But what's so special about a combination of identical numbers that sends us into a spiritual frenzy? And most importantly, what do angels have to do with it? Numerologist Valeria Martynenko gives PS UK the answers.

What Are Angel Numbers?

"Each number has its own energy and meaning, helping us better understand the signs of the universe," she tells us. "There is also a category of 'angel numbers' which are specific combinations of identical digits that people perceive as spiritual messages. It's believed that this is how angels try to communicate with people."

Martynenko says that if you keep seeing a combination of identical numbers, you should pay attention to the signs and learn to interpret them, so here's a detailed explanation for what each of the angel number sequences mean:

000 Meaning

This could mean the start of something new, or whatever Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez were singing. Martynenko tells us that 000 is all about new beginnings and change.

"This number symbolises potential and the beginning of something new. You need to use your energy and strength to achieve new heights, or if you're planning to change something in your life, it's a clear signal to act. It can also be a sign to start controlling your thoughts and desires," she says.

111 Meaning

Martynenko explains that seeing triple ones means that the power is in your hands and the Universe is on your side — a win-win. She explains: "This number indicates that the power of your thoughts has been activated and your desires are starting to materialise. It signals that the Universe is on your side and helping you. Angels urge you to stay positive and not give up, as you are very close to your goals."

222 Meaning

Looking for harmony? Need some balance? Longing for partnership? If you're seeing 222 Martynenko believes a higher power is trying to restore these for you.

"If there's an imbalance in any area of your life, angels are signalling you to restore balance between different aspects: work, relationships, health, self-fulfilment, etc," she says. "It also suggests paying more attention to relationships and communication with people, without neglecting other areas of life."

333 Meaning

Three is my lucky number and according to Martynenko, it means a higher power is on my side and it's time to tune into it.

"This number signifies support from higher powers," she tells us. "It indicates that you are under divine protection and need to start developing spiritually. It's time for self-discovery, meditation, and spiritual growth."

444 Meaning

If you were looking for a sign not to give up and 444 keeps appearing, make sure you claim it! Martynenko says: "This number means you are on the right path, your efforts have been noticed, and you are now supported. When you see this combination, try to work more on your self-belief, maintain a positive attitude, and not give up."

555 Meaning

You might not be used to change, but seeing 555s is your sign that things could be shifting soon. Martynenko tells us that this combination signifies life changes and personal transformations.

"A new period may soon begin in your life. Angels are notifying you that life changes are coming, and you need to be ready for new opportunities and challenges," she explains.

666 Meaning

No, the triple six is not a negative sign, good vibes only over here. Martynenko says: "Six is the energy of love and carries no bad meaning. It's a sign that you need to spend more time on yourself, work on inner harmony, and cultivate self-love and acceptance."

777 Meaning

They say "trust your gut" and Martynenko agrees, especially when you see the 777 combination. She says: "This number indicates inner enlightenment and wisdom. It points to a high level of spiritual development. It's time for deeper spiritual growth and trusting your intuition."

888 Meaning

The sign we've all been waiting for amid the UK's cost of living crisis. 888 signifies financial abundance, according to Martynenko.

"Soon, you may receive a significant income, a reward for your work and efforts. It's important to be generous and grateful for everything you have," she tells us.

999 Meaning

It's no surprise that the last of the angel number sequences represents the end of a cycle and letting go of the old. Martynenko says: "This number means the task is to release everything that holds you back and prevents you from moving forward and embracing the new. Also to forgive those who have wronged you."

Lauren Gordon is the editorial coordinator at PS UK, where she creates lifestyle and identity content. Lauren has a degree in journalism from University of the Arts London and previously worked as a showbiz and TV reporter at The Mirror US. Lauren specialises in pop culture, hair and beauty, focusing on trends, sharing in-depth tutorials, and highlighting hidden gems in the beauty industry.