Get Every Bit of Mascara With This Simple Tip

Photographer: Mark Popovich
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

There's nothing that annoys me more than realising my mascara is all used up and dried out when I'm quickly trying to run out the door in the morning. Considering I set three alarms and hit "snooze" on all of them, I don't have a whole lot of time to spare trying to reach the last bit of product in the tube. Plus, mascara can be really expensive, so I loathe buying new tubes.

Luckily, I've found a few simple hacks to get the rest of the product out of the tube. Whenever I seem to be out of mascara, I run to my kitchen and fill a mug with water. I throw it in the microwave for a minute, then place the mascara tube in the mug for a few minutes while I run to get dressed. When I return, the dried-up mascara has loosened and I have more product in the tube again.

If I'm so late that I don't have those few minutes to spare, I sprint to my bathroom and grab my saline solution for my contact lenses. I place a few drops in the tube of mascara, which usually provides enough moisture to be able to get a good amount of mascara on my lashes with a few passes of the wand.

If you still can't get out the last drop of mascara, there's one more solution, but it takes a little bit more time. You can remove the stopper from the tube with pliers or tweezers (be careful!). Even though these tips will help extend your mascara's life, if your tube is more than three months old, it's time to replace it for the sake of your eye health.