These 29 Organised Makeup Spaces Will Inspire You to KonMari Your Beauty Stash

It makes sense that decluttering is good for your psyche. It's also good for your time management, specifically your morning makeup routine — once you've organised your stash, that is. Want a neatly ordered dressing table of dreams? We've found the most inspirational examples of people who've used containers, drawers, baskets, and more clever storage hacks to get their beauty stashes organised, as well as those who've applied the KonMari method of tidying to streamline their beauty haul.

The Eastern approach to decluttering, made famous in the West by Marie Kondo, can be applied to so many areas of your life, from your clothes and emails to your kitchen. Surely it's about time you brought it to your beauty bounty? Ahead, immerse yourself in plenty of Insta-inspo with the most beautifully organised makeup spaces, and then discover exactly how to organise your beauty stash. And don't feel too bad if you're struggling to let go of certain items. The main principle of KonMari is in deciding whether the objects in your life spark joy, so if you have 52 near-identical palettes that all make you feel warm and fuzzy, you can still get in on the game.