The Surprising “New” Superfood That’s Been Here All Along

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It's easy to get drawn in by food fads, believing that improved health comes in the form of a spoonful of this, or a shot of that. Not a day goes by without another new superfood "discovery," and before we know it, we're blowing our wages on mystical berries and dusty-looking powders in the name of wellness. We say it's time to go back to basics. Why waste your time hunting down hard-to-find ingredients when you can pick up all you need in your local supermarket?

Oats and avocados have been used to nourish the body inside and out for decades and with good reason. Both offer some incredible benefits, but which one of these reigns supreme? We put them to the test to find out!

The Pros of Oats
POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Sperling

The Pros of Oats

They're Cheap, Easy to Find, and Suitable For All

Oats can be found in just about every supermarket and health food shop. A bag of basic rolled oats will set you back as little as £2 and will last you weeks. Pure oats are also gluten-free, making them a convenient and affordable choice for coeliacs and those on a gluten-free diet.

They Have a Long Shelf Life

Basic oats can be stored for months, if not years, meaning you can buy in bulk and never worry they'll go off before you get the chance to use them. Properly stored (in a sealed container), oats can keep for up to 24 months.

They're Not Just For Breakfast

If the only way you can think of to use is oats is soaked in milk or water and topped with fruit for a healthy and filling breakfast, you're missing out. They go into flapjacks, pancakes, smoothies . . . they can even be used to create the coating for a healthier take on fried chicken.

And that's just food! Oats also have numerous applications when it comes to beauty, particularly when it comes to hydrating the skin. AVEENO® Daily Moisturising Lotion (£7.69), which contains colloidal oatmeal, is clinically proven to significantly improve the condition of dry skin in just two weeks.

The Cons of Oats
POPSUGAR Photography | Lexi Lambros

The Cons of Oats

They Sometimes Find Their Way into Unhealthy Dishes

Because oats themselves are a carrier of flavour, rather than having their own distinct taste, they can sometimes be included in processed, sugary foods that will do nothing for your wallet or your waistline. Shop-bought granola and snack bars are often the biggest culprits, but there's an easy way to avoid this pitfall: make your own at home!

All Those Options Can Be Confusing

Rolled oats, steel-cut oats, instant oats . . . it can be confusing to know which ones to go for. In general, when it comes to food you should opt for the purest and most untouched variety: steel cut oats (organic, if your budget allows).

When it comes to beauty products, the hard work is done for you as the right oat will have been chosen for you. The moisturising properties of naturally active oatmeal are beneficial to just about everyone, even those with sensitive skin.

They're Not "Sexy"

The avocado has become something of a symbol of the millennial generation, while the humble oat remains less celebrated, and a little underrated. These little grains may not look as pretty on an Instagram feed, and they're unlikely to inspire their own range of clothing and accessories, but hiding in that husk are some serious superpowers.

The Pros of Avocados
POPSUGAR Photography | Jae Payne

The Pros of Avocados

They're Good For You

Though avocado has a famously high fat content compared to other fruits, the majority is monounsaturated fat — the good sort that your body needs. Some studies have shown that consuming an avocado daily can have beneficial effects on cardio‐metabolic risk factors, and the NHS recommends avocado as part of a low cholesterol diet. A small study also showed that consuming avocado can help you feel fuller for longer.

They're Versatile

Avocado can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Perhaps its most famous use is in guacamole and as a healthy topping for toast, but it can also be used to replace butter in cakes, it's delicious whipped into dips, and it can even be added to frozen yoghurt for creaminess.

They Have Beauty Benefits, Too

Avocado has been used in beauty products for years: conditioners for dry hair will often contain avocado oil, and some studies reveal avocado oil's ability to help with collagen production. It's also said to be beneficial in healing wounds and could possibly have anti-inflammatory properties, too.

The Cons of Avocado
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

The Cons of Avocado

Use Them Or Lose Them

Avocado doesn't keep very long, and finding one that's perfectly ripe is a struggle that's all too real. Though supermarkets claim to sell "ripe and ready" avocados, any addict will tell you they're rarely good to go straight from the shop. They also start to go brown as soon as you slice into them, so they have to be eaten quickly to be properly enjoyed.

They're Really Expensive

Avocados are only grown in certain places, and costs can soar when demand is high and stocks are low. In 2017, the average price of an avocado hit an all-time high. The cost of a "perfect" large avocado in a UK supermarket is now around £1.

It's Dangerous

Heard about "avocado hand"? It's a real thing! People have suffered some pretty horrible injuries after trying to slice and depit avocados. Though there are tools to help you to safely remove the stone and slice an avocado, they just add to the overall cost.

So Who Wins?
POPSUGAR Photography | Lexi Lambros

So Who Wins?

Though both of these ingredients have their benefits when it comes to the body, mind, and soul, it's clear that oats win out when it comes to their accessibility, affordability, and adaptability, and for that reason, they're our top choice for the superfood that will transform your skin and revolutionise your meal prep.

Avocados have sadly become victims of their own popularity: they're increasingly difficult to get hold of and often disappointing when you do. Not to mention the fact there are plenty of fussy eaters out there who hate that unusual fresh-fatty flavour.

So put that avocado and toast down, ditch the expensive avocado oil, and get to know oats once more. Whip up a batch of overnight oats ready for morning, add a handful of oats to your bath for a soothing soak, then slather yourself in Aveeno® Daily Moisturising Body Yogurt – Vanilla & Oat Scented (£6.50).

You'll wonder why you ever fell for all those other fads!

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