This Incredible Prism Roots Hair Trend Will Make You Feel Like a Walking Kaleidoscope

As if we needed any more proof, rainbow hair is here to stay. Unique colourful strands always catch my eye — whether it's a denim dye, subtle opal hue, or now, dramatic prism roots. Like looking straight into a kaleidoscope, this trippy trend starts with bright multicoloured roots that fade into a mesmerising light pastel hue. If you're getting major unicorn vibes from this hairstyle, you're definitely not alone. There's something magical about strands that highlight every colour on the spectrum.

In one photo caption, hair artist Kristina Cheeseman describes the unique hair colour as being "perfect for that person that thrives on change and likes to try new things." Count me in! Plus, when you rock every colour of the rainbow, your hair will match with any outfit. What could be better?