Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Came to the Aid of a Mum With Cancer

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In the depths of despair, it was an unlikely connection with Kate Winslet that helped give cancer victim Gemma Nuttall a second chance at life. After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer while carrying her first child, Gemma went on to undergo chemotherapy only to have the cancer return in her brain. The outlook was bleak, and doctors suggested she start making provisions for the future.

But the family refused to give up, and Gemma's mother set up a GoFundMe page after discovering a groundbreaking new immunotherapy treatment available in Germany. The problem? It would likely cost upwards of 30,000 Euros. The fundraising efforts garnered Kate Winslet's attention; her mother also suffered a long battle with ovarian cancer. Calling in the help of Leonardo DiCaprio and auctioning off a private dinner with the two of them, Kate soon overtook the funding goal needed for Gemma's therapy. She recently left a note on the fundraising page saying, "I have been in communication with Gemma and her lovely mum Helen, for a while now. And we are all so thrilled that we were able to send Gemma off to the Hallwang for her first round of treatment."

Watch Gemma's story above, and prepare to shed some serious tears.