You’ll Kick Yourself When You Find Out Which Hollywood Actor Louis Theroux Is Related To

Louis Theroux: everyone's favourite BBC documentary maker, unofficial onscreen therapist, and all round national British treasure. Turns out, he just gets more interesting by the day, and you'll kick yourself when you realise which Hollywood celebrity he's related to. Louis and Justin Theroux sharing the same surname isn't just a coincidence; they're actually cousins.

Louis holds American/British dual citizenship and often travels back and forth from London to Los Angeles. quite a fan of his. Aren't we all, Jen. And, yes, Louis hung out with Jennifer Aniston before she and Justin announced their split. Apparently she's even quite a fan of his.

Being grilled by my cuzz over how to pronounce our last name. The-row? Theroo? #meaning?

— Louis Theroux (@louistheroux) 26 November 2017

Louis and Justin aren't the only talented members of the family though — the Theroux household is quite a creative one. Paul Theroux, Louis's father, is an American novelist and travel writer, and Marcel Theroux, Louis's brother, is a broadcaster and novelist. With a family full of writers and novelists, we're sure Christmas and family gatherings would be very interesting.