A Song About Warding Off Mosquitos Sent Meghan Markle Into a Full-On Cry-Laughing Fit

Even Meghan Markle isn't immune to an uncontrollable laughing fit every now and then. When the Duchess of Sussex visited Tupou College in Tonga for a rainforest dedication with Prince Harry, she could barely contain her laughter during the outdoor event. The source of her chuckles? A college boys' choir gathered to serenade her with a tune to jokingly ward off mosquitos, complete with buzzing noises and arm-flapping motions.

The mum-to-be has been very cautious about the Zika virus during her 16-day royal tour, usually opting for sleeved, loose-fitting clothing and wearing insect repellent, and this comedic song was the perfect additional safety measure.

Whereas I usually end up looking like a manic hyena while dealing with a case of the giggles, Meghan somehow managed to look glamorous and adorable per usual, wiping away her tears and successfully keeping her eyeliner intact while wearing a gorgeous blue shirt dress (with sleeves, of course!). Don't believe me? Just watch her royally contagious fit of laughter unfold ahead, and you just might get a case of the giggles, too.