Rebel Wilson Shared Her Favourite Tinder Tips With a Group of Kindergarteners, and . . . Just Watch

Following a recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show for her upcoming film Isn't It Romantic, actress Rebel Wilson graced EllenTube with a video to share a few of her romance tips as a special Valentine's Day treat . . . with a group of totally confused kindergarteners. In her famously sarcastic and straightforward manner, Rebel shows these little ones how to navigate the world of online dating via Tinder. From clicking on the "love heart" to show a little love to a potential valentine, to teaching the kids all about the power of rejection, Rebel lays it all out on the colouring table. "I have high standards, because I'm a celebrity," Rebel joked.

In true Rebel fashion, she holds nothing back, sharing a story about her ex-boyfriend and advice about what to do if you catch "adult cooties." And the little matchmakers aren't shy about giving Rebel their opinions on potential valentines, either. While they might not understand the concept of a hookup, these kids are more than happy to talk romance — even sharing some of their own ideas for the perfect Valentine's Day date (like eating chocolate). Watch the awkwardly hilarious video above to see just who these kids thought was worthy of a right swipe.