30 Times Will Poulter Was So Sexy We Forgave Him For the Black Mirror: Bandersnatch Scares

Getty | Aurelien Meunier

If you found yourself strangely turned on by creepy video game prodigy Colin Ritman in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (who is basically Toy Story's Sid IRL), don't worry — you're not alone. Even when he's messing with our minds or freaking us out (like he does in one of this Summer's wildest flicks, Midsommar), 26-year-old English actor Will Poulter is totally hot. The actor is notoriously close-lipped about his private life, but single or not, we can't stop staring at those baby blues. Check out the gallery to see what Will looks like when he's not trying to scare the crap out of us.