5 Reasons Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Star Lachlan Watson Deserves Your Attention

When Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina first premiered back in October 2018, viewers were quickly captivated by the titular witch and all of the spooky and scary storylines she involved herself in. But looking past Sabrina, viewers also instantly fell in love with Susie (who now goes by Theo), one of Sabrina's three BFFs who is played by the incredibly talented and brilliant Lachlan Watson.

Watson — who identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns — plays transgender character Theo on CAOS and has been very open about their personal life. Discussing topics like feminism and getting top surgery, Watson has pretty much been an open book. But, there are still some very interesting facts about them that you may not know. Look to the gallery ahead to learn more about Watson, one of the youngest nonbinary actors in Hollywood.


Watson Likes to Describe Their Gender Journey as a “Three-Part Opera”

Speaking to MTV News, Watson revealed that their gender journey began around the age of 13, when they "felt a little queer" and they weren't "really sure what to do with that." But recognising an attraction to girls, they therefore began to identify as a cisgender lesbian.

They later revealed that stage lasted about a year and a half before they realised that the label wasn't quite a perfect fit. "It wasn't quite encapsulating the pain that I was really feeling. There was something body-related, there was something else there, and all I had to label that under was being trans," they shared, which led him to them identifying as transgender instead.

Then when the time came for them to begin transitioning, they realised it wasn't a step in the right direction. Watson realised that transitioning to male felt just as wrong as growing breasts. "I realised in doing that that the problem wasn't that I wasn't male, the problem was just that I was female," they said. And that's when they began to identify as nonbinary.


They Can Sing and Play Instruments

If you've watched Part 3 of CAOS, you already know that Theo, Roz, and Harvey show off their musical talents in the first few episodes, and it isn't just for the show. Watson is a very talented singer in real life, as evidenced by numerous posts on their Instagram.


They Got Their Start Acting in Theatre

Growing up in Raleigh, NC, Watson fell in love with acting and began to participate in a community theatre where their mother worked. They starred in Raleigh Little Theatre's production of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing in 2015 before scoring their role on CAOS. The producers of the show put out a nationwide call for queer actors, and Lachlan submitted an audition — one that certainly worked in their favour.


Watson Appeared on Nashville and Drop Dead Diva

When Watson initially came out as a trans man, they began to get cast in trans roles, including a Hallmark movie that never came to pass, as well as minor parts on television shows Drop Dead Diva and Nashville.


They Are Proud of Their Scars — and They Want You to Be, Too

In 2019, Watson posted a series of photos revealing the scars that formed as a result of top surgery on their Instagram. It was their 18th birthday, and according to an interview with Refinery29, "it was this moment of vulnerability that I found really empowering."

"I've never seen my scars as something to hide," they said. "They're seen as flaws; any form of imperfection is seen as wrong. Just like a blemish is something to be covered, any scar is something to be faded.