A Florida Man Watched Avengers: Endgame — a 3-Hour Film — Over 100 Times to Beat a Record

Round/View 116

Honey? Hey, babe! Babe? Babe? Boys? Boys? Laura?#avengersendgame #tigrevengador @Avengers @Renner4Real @Russo_Brothers @louisde2 pic.twitter.com/EEvYuGT0eM

— Agustin Alanis (@agalanis17) June 14, 2019

In today's edition of "weird flex, but OK" news, a Florida man named Agustin Alanis is on a mission to break the Guinness World Record for the most cinema productions attended for the same film. His film of choice? Avengers: Endgame, which has a run time of three hours and two minutes, for anyone who's wondering. According to his most recent posts on Twitter, where he's been updating his followers about his progress, Alanis has unofficially broken the record, as he's seen Endgame a total of 116 times. And here I was thinking I was a champ for being able to push through the entire first season of Dead to Me in one day.

The record in question was previously set by Anthony Mitchell, who watched Avengers: Infinity War 103 times last year in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA where he resides. Alanis began his quest to set a new record back in April, when Endgame first hit cinemas. "I had bought tickets to watch it five times on the opening weekend so I wouldn't miss a thing," he told CNN. "Then, I started going every single day, posting my rounds or views because I really love the film. After seeing how Endgame was shattering records and making history, I decided to do it too." He also explained that he usually goes to the cinemas "twice on weekdays" and "four to five times" on Saturdays and Sundays — and that's in addition to working for his family's business!

After sitting through his 103rd showing, Alanis posted a photo on Twitter thanking Mitchell for inspiring his journey. "Today I tie this legend @NemRaps with 103 views watching the same film," he captioned a photo of himself holding a movie ticket. "You sparked this to be done, so I honour you brother." According to the Miami Herald, Alanis has already submitted paperwork to Guinness to become the record's official title holder.