Someone Dubbed Seth Rogen's Laugh Into a Friends Episode, and PLEASE Watch It

Another day, another totally bizarre piece of content from the dark corners of the internet. On July 12, one Twitter user decided to share a clip from Friends, the classic NBC sitcom. However, instead of the standard laugh track we're used to hearing, the only thing that comes at the punchline of every joke is . . . Seth Rogen. Just Seth Rogen laughing and no one else. In case you're wondering, it's just as unnerving (but also just as funny) as it sounds, and it changes everything. Damn. This is worse than that time we all found out about that glaring Rachel stand-in who looked a lot like Kate Middleton. Check out the video below if you'd like to be thrown into a strange existential crisis.

changed the laugh track in friends to seth rogen

— rory strahan-mauk (@rorystrahanmauk) July 13, 2018