AGT: The Ndlovu Youth Choir Stole Simon Cowell's Heart With Their "Africa" Cover

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America's Got Talent is a show known for illuminating the extraordinary, and it has certainly done that for the Ndlovu Youth Choir. The group of performers from South Africa brought judges Simon Cowell, Gabrielle Union, Howie Mandell, and Julianne Hough to their feet during the Tuesday night's finals with an energetic and powerful cover of Toto's "Africa."

Cowell, who is usually hard to please, even called their performance "amazing" and "the best final" he's ever seen in his life. "I pray that this show will change people's lives," he told the choir. "I think that performance may just have done it."

Cowell wasn't the only one with winning praise for the talented group. Union couldn't contain her joy and told the choir, "You are the pride of Africa, of America. You have literally changed your entire trajectory with one performance."

Watch the full video above to see their incredible performance for yourself. You'll be walking on sunshine for the rest of the day!