Ready For Even More Drama? Here Are 8 Details We Have About Riverdale Season 3

Just when you think Riverdale can't get any darker, it always does. We may still have a little ways to go before season three premieres, but if the latest footage is any indication, we're in for another wild ride. The cast recently appeared at Comic-Con to drop the first look at the new season, and in the process they revealed a few interesting details about what's in store. For instance: surprise! There might be another musical episode. Get all the details about the upcoming season before it drops on Oct. 9.

The First Episode Will Take Place 3 Months After the Season 2 Finale
The CW

The First Episode Will Take Place 3 Months After the Season 2 Finale

The first episode, which is titled "Labor Day," will take place three months after Archie was arrested at school for the the murder of Cassidy Bullock.

There Will Be Flashbacks to When the Parents Were Kids
The CW

There Will Be Flashbacks to When the Parents Were Kids

During Comic-Con, creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa teased that there will be a flashback episode about the grownups on the show, in which the kids will play their parents.

We'll Be Seeing a Lot More of Toni and Reggie
The CW

We'll Be Seeing a Lot More of Toni and Reggie

Expect even more "Choni" this season. Both Vanessa Morgan and Charles Melton have been promoted to series regulars for season three.

We Will Finally Get to Meet Jughead's Mom and Sister
The CW

We Will Finally Get to Meet Jughead's Mom and Sister

Yes, we'll finally get to meet Gladys and Jellybean Jones. Though the actresses haven't been announced just yet, it was confirmed during Comic-Con that they would be making an appearance around episode eight or nine.

Josie and Kevin Will Sing a Duet
The CW

Josie and Kevin Will Sing a Duet

Riverdale's most talented singers will have a duet together during season three, thank goodness. They might even find themselves living together now that their parents are officially dating.

There Will Be Another Musical Episode
The CW

There Will Be Another Musical Episode

If you couldn't get enough of Carrie: The Musical, then you're in luck. Aguirre-Sacasa said that "there will definitely be another musical episode" next season. Maybe they'll get Cole Sprouse to sing this time?

Betty and Jughead Will Be in a Really Good Place
The CW

Betty and Jughead Will Be in a Really Good Place

You can breathe a sigh of relief, "Bughead" shippers. During Comic-Con, Lili Reinhart said that Jughead and Betty's relationship will be "rock solid" at the start of the new season. "They start off season three as the investigative duo that they were in season one," she added. Plus, Betty will officially be owning the title of "Serpent Queen" in Jughead's gang.

Archie and Veronica May Face a Few Bumps in Their Relationship
The CW

Archie and Veronica May Face a Few Bumps in Their Relationship

While Betty and Jughead will be closer than ever next season, there might be trouble in paradise for Archie and Veronica. Camila Mendes didn't reveal exactly what would happen between the characters, but she did tell Us Weekly, "They are going to struggle in their relationship . . . and there might be someone else."