14 GIFs That Will Make You Fall Even More in Love With Stranger Things' Steve Harrington

Who among us ever expected, way back in season one, that poufy-haired jock Steve Harrington would turn out to be one of the best parts of Stranger Things? But that's exactly what's happened, and three seasons in, we're head over heels for our favourite reformed idiot. He's journeyed from clueless bully to the exasperated dad friend of the whole crew, and we're so here for it. With the release of the third season, we're looking back at some of our favourite Steve moments over the years, from the very beginning to his latest role in the gang's adventures. Ahead are over a dozen moments that prove why Steve is seriously the best.

His Season 1 Hair Is Really Something
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His Season 1 Hair Is Really Something

He Starts Out as a Pretty Typical Jock Bro
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He Starts Out as a Pretty Typical Jock Bro

He's a Bit of a Party Boy
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He's a Bit of a Party Boy

He Includes Nancy, Even During His Bro Phase
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He Includes Nancy, Even During His Bro Phase

He Gets It Together and Turns Out to Be a Hero
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He Gets It Together and Turns Out to Be a Hero

He's OK Letting Others Take the Lead
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He's OK Letting Others Take the Lead

He Just Really Loves Fried Chicken, OK?
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He Just Really Loves Fried Chicken, OK?

He's Prepared For Anything
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He's Prepared For Anything

He Knows How to Give Good Advice
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He Knows How to Give Good Advice

He Actually Tries to Be a Decent Boyfriend
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He Actually Tries to Be a Decent Boyfriend

He's a Good Friend to the Kids He Looks Out For
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He's a Good Friend to the Kids He Looks Out For

He Makes Facial Expressions Like These
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He Makes Facial Expressions Like These