Do I Feel Too Old For These Pink Barbie Puma Trainers? Hell to the No

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Listen, 3-year-old me, I'm buying these Puma x Barbie trainers for you and I don't ever want to hear a peep out of you about how I've left my childhood in the dust. I still book Disney trips over Caribbean holidays, for crying out loud. But also, if I'm being honest, these trainers are cool. I love the powder pink, yellow, and turquoise combo that somehow feels more sporty than girlie. And actually, I'd 100 percent work out in these logo cycling shorts, which are, in my opinion (and I'm sure yours too), cooler than Kim Kardashian's Yeezy pair. For you, 3-year-old Sarah, I'll buy this whole damn collection of gear and wear it proudly while you sit at home giving makeovers to dolls with permanent marker and scissors in your life-size Barbie ball gown. Love, 26-year-old me, who totally doesn't still keep her old cuddly toys stowed away under her bed.

The Barbie x Puma Collection Campaign Images

The Barbie x Puma Collection Campaign Images