Danielle Lost 50 Pounds in Just Over 1 Year Without Counting Calories or Carbs

It took one photo for Danielle Doan (@curlyfitmom on Instagram), age 36, to realise she needed to start taking better care of herself. She told POPSUGAR, "I started my weight-loss journey nine years ago after seeing a picture of myself at the beach with my children. I was wearing maternity clothes and my youngest was almost a year old. It really hit home. Something had to change." Keep reading to hear Danielle's inspiring story, and get the details about how she was able to drop 50 pounds in just over a year!

Danielle's Journey Begins

Danielle's Journey Begins

Danielle began her journey in 2009, with a starting weight of 185 pounds. It took her three months to lose the first 25 pounds, and about a year to lose 40 pounds, and about three more months to lose the last 10 pounds. And she's kept the weight off, too.

Danielle's Diet

Danielle's Diet

Danielle shared that she's followed many diets along her journey trying to figure out her body. She started with Weight Watchers, then moved on to the 21 Day Fix Portion Control system. She found that she needed a plan that would work with her body, that would make her happy, and be sustainable in in the long term.

A mix of timed nutrition (eating every 2-3 hours) and the Beachbody 2B Mindset Nutrition Program, created by registered dietitian Ilana Muhlstein, RD. Danielle shared, "This gives me a basis for knowing what to eat, but allows me the freedom to track my food and still enjoy treats with no guilt, and just learn how my body responds to food in general."

A Day of Eating

A Day of Eating

"I don't count calories or macros. It stressed me out too much," Danielle shared. But here's an example of what she eats in a day:

Pre-workout: 2 hard boiled eggs, half a banana with peanut butter
Post-workout: Beachbody chocolate recover shake (130 calories, 20 grams protein)
Breakfast (2 hours post-workout): Shakeology with tons of spinach
Lunch: turkey meatballs, with green beans and carrots, brown rice, and some fruit
Snack: Protein bar (BEACHBARS being my favourite or a Peanut Butter LARABAR) with some carrots and Greek yoghurt dip, and some kind of fruit.
Dinner: "This varies but as a family we typically have a protein, a fibre-filled carb, and veggies! An example would be chicken, broccoli or a salad, and sweet potatoes.

She adds in healthy fats throughout the day including avocado, olive oil, and a bit of coconut oil to her shakes. Danielle shared, "I try to allow myself a treat each week to thoroughly enjoy and I drink a Dunkin' Donuts Iced Tea every day! It keeps me from binge-eating on things my body doesn't need."

Danielle's Workouts

Danielle's Workouts

Danielle has been working out at home since the beginning of her journey, using Beachbody home DVDs and now her Beachbody On Demand library. Danielle shared, "I recently finished the 80 Day Obsession program. It was the push I needed to lose the last 10 pounds I haven't been able to lose. I have abs after three kids! I never thought it would be possible."

Non-Scale Victories

Non-Scale Victories

Some non-scale victories Danielle has experienced are, "I am finally finding food freedom on my journey. I have energy I never had in my twenties. My knees don't bother me like they used to. I have gained a community of people through this incredible journey, and I have become closer to God as I have learned to care for my body better."

Danielle's Motivation

Danielle's Motivation

Danielle finds motivation through her online community and her Virtual Gym. She shared, "I wouldn't be here today without these girls cheering me on and knowing that I have to show up for them every day. Also my husband has joined me on this journey and also lost 50 pounds. It helps that we do this together now."

Danielle's Advice

Danielle's Advice

If you're on your own weight-loss journey, Danielle shared this advice: "Keep stepping. It is so easy to think we have to do extremes to lose the weight and keep it off, but I am proof that little steps you keep taking will add up." Danielle added, "This hasn't been a quick journey for me, but it has been so worth it to gain habits for life. I have three kids and a busy life, but it is so worth it to start, even little steps and just keep stepping."