Here Is the Trainer-Approved, 6-Step Formula For Burning Belly Fat

POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour
POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour

It seems like belly fat has such a strong foothold that no matter what we do, it won't go away. We feel like we have tried everything, and nothing works. "I thought I had tried everything, too. But what I discovered was, I hadn't even scratched the surface," says personal trainer and strength coach Susan Niebergall.

She goes on: "I wish I could have a magical series of specific exercises for you to do that will melt it all away, but the reality is that doesn't exist. Doing 100 crunches every night, or holding a plank for five minutes isn't going to do it." So what will burn that fat away? The formula for burning belly fat is the same formula for fat loss in general, so follow these six steps and you will see results.

Set Calorie Deficit
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Set Calorie Deficit

Set your calorie range by multiplying your body weight by 10 to 12. Your caloric intake should fall somewhere within these numbers. Figuring out an appropriate calorie deficit will take some trial and error, so monitor your calorie intake for two to three weeks, and if you don't see a change, decrease by five percent. Tracking your calories by measuring your food and using an app like My Fitness Pal for accuracy is key.

Protein and Veggies
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

Protein and Veggies

Focus on lean protein and veggies at every single meal. The protein builds muscle and satiates hunger, and the veggies add volume to meals without tons of calories and also offer fibre to keep you full longer.

For protein, you need about .8 to 1.8 gram per pound of body weight, depending on how active you are. A good rule of thumb is to aim for 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal such as salmon, skinless chicken, tofu, plant-based protein powder, or eggs.

For veggies, greens like kale and spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, mushrooms, and courgette are delicious, healthy choices. Limiting the sugar and processed carbs and prioritizing your nutrition with a focus on protein and veggies is essential.

Strength Train
POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

Strength Train

"Women should lift four times a week if possible," Jillian Michaels suggests. "Train each muscle twice a week with two days of rest between training days." These types of workouts will build muscle and burn fat to help you get lean. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself, and lift heavy!

POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd


While cardio shouldn't be your main focus, it's a great addition to your strength training workouts. Add some cardio you love, and go for high-intensity interval training. Here's a great HIIT workout to lose belly fat.

Consistency Not Perfection
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Consistency Not Perfection

Stay consistent over time with both your calorie intake and your workouts. You can't expect to see results if you put in the effort half the time.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim


You didn't gain belly fat overnight, so don't expect your belly to disappear overnight either. Susan says, "This is the hardest one. Fat loss takes time. Just keep going." Follow the other five tips, be patient, don't give up, and you will see results.