3 Simple Ways to Cut Excess Sandwich Calories

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Make-ahead foods are one of the keys to eating a healthier diet and taking the stress out of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to packed lunches, sandwiches are one of the best make-ahead options you could go for, but if you aren't careful they can get unexpectedly calorific. Read on for three simple tips that'll help you skip the excess sandwich calories.

Go Vegetarian

Due to the lack of animal fats, opting for vegetarian sandwich fillings will automatically cut the amount of saturated fat you usually consume. There's a variety of vegetarian options you can choose from, and depending on what you go for, you can count on getting a good boost of filling fibre.

Opt For Complex Carbs

Processed, simple carbs such as white bread are packed with hidden sugars that give us a short-term high and leave us craving — and in most cases eating — more in the long run. For a clean, complex-carb option, try trendy, tasty, and healthy sweet potato toast. You'll be getting more fibre, which will leave you fuller for longer and wont spike your body's blood sugar levels.

Swap Spreads For Avocado

Ditching your favourite spreads and condiments will help you cut empty calories and, in many cases, excess sugar from your sandwich. Due to their rich, creamy texture, avocados don't just make the perfect replacement for butter and spreads in baking, they'll also do so in your sandwich. If that isn't enough, they are also packed with heart-healthy fats such as MUFAs and PUFAs and taste great.