Build Your Best Bum Using Iskra Lawrence's Favourite Moves

Sure, we love Iskra Lawrence because she isn't afraid to lend her voice to the fight for more inclusive representations of women in the fashion industry and is an advocate for self-care, but we also love her because she bosses her way through every killer workout she posts — and inspires us to do the same in the process.
The model, who's known for keeping it real about her gorgeous body, recently launched her health and fitness program everyBODY with Iskra to help people achieve their healthiest bodies.

POPSUGAR caught up with Iskra at the launch to find out just what it takes to get strong legs and build your best bum, just like she's done. According to the model, "it's all about squats! A squat really works your whole body and it works your core if you're engaging it properly, so it's a really dynamic exercise that's great. For me, it's the basis of strong legs and glutes, and it's the go-to."

It's not just about basic squats though, because Iskra likes to up the ante by pairing them with some form of plyometric move, saying her perfect leg day would involve "a classic squat and mixing it in with any kind of dynamic move, so if it's jumping, like a box jump and then even jumping lunges."

Read on to see how to perfect each move, then add them to your leg day routine. Get ready to watch as those glutes get stronger!

Body Weight Squat

Body Weight Squat

The basis of any squat is great form. The following tips will help you perfect your form:

  1. Face forward with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your hands on your hips or stretch them out in front of you for balance.
  3. Bending at the knees, lower yourself as if you're about to sit in an imaginary chair, being mindful not to round your back or lean your chest onto your thighs.
  4. The aim is to get your thighs as parallel to the floor as possible.
  5. Push back into starting position, driving your weight into your heels.
Box Jumps
POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

Box Jumps

Box jumps might look fairly easy, but they take a little work to get right. To get your form right, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Find an elevated surface or sturdy box and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees as if to squat, then drive through your heels to propel yourself onto the box. You can swing your arms to gain more momentum.
  3. Land on the box or raised surface in a squat and straighten yourself into full standing position. Drive your hips forward once you straighten up.
  4. Step back onto the floor to get back into starting position.
Lunge Jumps

Lunge Jumps

As if lunges weren't hard enough, someone had to come up with a heart rate-raising variation that's guaranteed to wake any bum up. To get this move down, you'll have to do the following:

  1. Starting off with soft knees and your feet together, jump and land in a lunge with your right leg forward.
  2. Push off with both feet and jump, switching legs so that you land with your left leg forward in the lunge this time.
  3. Jump your legs together to complete one rep.