My Muscles Are Shaking Just Watching Gabrielle Union Crush Her Full-Body Workout Routine

Quick question: is secondhand fatigue a thing? Because that's what I'm feeling after watching Gabrielle Union crush her full-body workout routine. The 46-year-old actress just offered fans a peek at some of her favourite exercises to do before judging NBC's America's Got Talent on Tuesday nights, and good grief, they look intense. Gabrielle shared a series of videos on Instagram Stories to highlight the seven moves she relies on for firing up every muscle group, from kettlebell swings to quad holds. Ahead, take a step-by-step look at her routine, and be sure to check out her determined game face!

Kettlebell Swings
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Kettlebell Swings

Gabrielle opted to kick things off with some good ol' kettlebell swings to work her glutes, core, and arms.

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With her legs spread apart and both hands on the kettlebell, she swung the weight between her legs . . .

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. . . then swung it back out in front of her until it reached eye level and she was in a standing position. Easy as that!

Cable Crossovers
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Cable Crossovers

Next up, she worked her chest muscles with a set of cable crossovers.

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While concentrating on her breathing, she pulled the crisscrossed cables downward toward her hips . . .

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. . . then extended them back up to complete one rep before repeating the same form.

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Gripping the handles with her palms facing inward, she leaned all the way back . . .

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. . . and pulled her torso up to meet the handles.

Lying Stability Ball Leg Curls
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Lying Stability Ball Leg Curls

Time to target those glutes and hamstrings with swiss ball leg curls, which Gabrielle apparently isn't a fan of, as evidenced by her caption.

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She started with her feet planted on the ball, booty lifted off the ground, and hands firmly planted on the mat below . . .

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. . . then rolled the ball toward her using her feet.

Weighted Hip Thrusts
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Weighted Hip Thrusts

Weighted hip thrusts were her fifth move, accomplished with a little help from a circular sandbag.

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Gabrielle worked her glutes by starting with her arms spread across a workout bench and the sandbag situated in her lap. She lowered her booty until it almost hit the floor . . .

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. . . then thrust it back up to the starting position.

Lying Overhead Reach
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Lying Overhead Reach

Using the same sandbag, the actress ignited her back, shoulders, and arms with some lying overhead reaches.

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With her back firmly planted on the bench, Gabrielle lifted the sandbag backward over her head . . .

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. . . then lifted it back up above her.

Quad Holds
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Quad Holds

Last but most certainly not least, she got down on all fours for a set of quad holds, which she accurately described as "hard asf."

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With her hands gripped around dumbbells and knees lifted off the ground, she first lifted her left foot off the ground for a few seconds . . .

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. . . before doing the same with her right foot. Phew, that looks difficult!