Meet Pink Radicchio, the Photogenic Salad Ingredient That's About to Dominate Instagram

Oh Instagram, how we love thee. The social media platform provides us with a wealth of beautiful imagery to help us stay on track with our healthy lifestyle goals, from tantalizing meal-prep ideas to gorgeous refrigerator-organization inspiration. Plus, we can always count on the app to reveal the trendiest bites that fit foodies are obsessing over at any given time.

Take pink radicchio, for example. The picture-perfect plant has officially begun infiltrating Instagram, giving millennial pink addicts major heart eyes.

So what exactly is this lovely lettuce, and more importantly, why is it prettier than me on even my best of days? It's actually called Radicchio del Veneto, or La Rosa del Veneto, if you're feeling extrafancy. The rose-coloured chicory is mostly cultivated in the Veneto region of Italy (the part near Venice), although it's also now grown in Pennsylvania, California, and other parts of the States, according to Eater.

Pink radicchio gets that Instagram-worthy millennial pink hue because the plant is "'forced,' meaning it's grown for a certain amount of time and harvested in the fall, replanted, and grown in the dark, often covered by sand, so sunlight doesn't reach the stem," Eater claims. The taste is apparently an interesting mix of bitter and sweet flavors. Sounds like it'd make for a great base for our usual salad toppings like carrots, tomatoes, and olives!

If you're interested in snatching up a head of this in-demand radicchio, it looks like it's starting to pop up at stores like Whole Foods. Heck yes! Read on to catch a glimpse of a handful of tasty salads starring this double-tap-worthy lettuce. Millennial pink mason jar salad, anyone?