I Trained With J Lo's Trainer, and Now I Know the Secret Behind Her 6-Pack

I honestly don't need to say this, but Jennifer Lopez has got it going on. Yes, genetics plays a role in her amazing figure, but she also works her ass off in the gym.

When I got the opportunity to work out with her trainer, David Kirsch, I couldn't pass it up. Yes, I'm a personal trainer, but I do enjoy being in the student position and having someone else guide me through a workout.

David took me through an intense full-body workout, and one part that stuck with me was the plank series he had me do. It challenged my strength and stability, and I cannot wait for you all you try it. Check out the 4-move workout ahead.

The Workout

Circuit One:

  • Plank with lateral arm reach: 10 reps each arm
  • Plank with triceps kickback: 10 reps each arm

Take a 60-second break in between exercises, then repeat for one more round.

Circuit Two:

  • Elbow plank with knee drive: 15 reps each side
  • Elbow plank with side step: 10 reps

Take a 60-second break in between exercises, then repeat for one more round.

Circuit One: Plank With Lateral Arm Reach

Circuit One: Plank With Lateral Arm Reach

  • Start in a plank position.
  • Keeping your torso stable, slowly reach your left arm out to your side. Brace through the abs by pulling your navel to your spine. Hold this position for five seconds. If you feel too unstable, try moving your right hand so it is under the centre of your chest rather than under your right shoulder.
  • Keeping your torso stable, bring your arm back to the plank position. Do not round your back or twist your spine.
  • Repeat this same motion on the other side, extending your right arm to your side. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 10 reps on each arm.
Circuit One: Plank With Triceps Kickback

Circuit One: Plank With Triceps Kickback

  • Start in a plank position, holding a weight in each hand. Bend your left elbow and pull it up so it's in line with your shoulder.
  • Pull your navel toward your spine to engage your abs, which will help you stay balanced.
  • Exhale as you do a triceps kickback by extending your left hand behind you. Inhale to bend your elbow. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 10 reps on each arm.
Circuit Two: Elbow Plank With Knee Drive

Circuit Two: Elbow Plank With Knee Drive

  • Start in an elbow plank, and bring your right knee into your nose; your pelvis will rise toward the ceiling. Place right foot back on the ground.
  • Alternate sides, and bring your left knee into your nose. Place right foot back on the ground. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 15 reps on each side.
Circuit Two: Elbow Plank With Side Step
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

Circuit Two: Elbow Plank With Side Step

  • Start in an elbow plank and alternate stepping your legs to the side, keeping your toes off the floor. To modify, tap your toes to the floor.
  • Complete 10 reps.