Tone It Up's Co-Creator Shares Her Weight-Loss Story, and Boy It's Inspiring

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Tone It Up was created by best friends Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott, and has quickly become one of the most popular fitness programs and communities in the world. It's easy to assume that the women behind the empowering platform have never struggled during a workout or found it hard to stick to clean eating, but that wasn't the case for Katrina.

Katrina shared on Instagram that she was reflecting on her fitness journey and "how I was destroying my body." She explained that when she was a personal trainer she would work 12 hours or more, teaching classes and training clients back-to-back, and pushed her own health to the side. As far as her diet was concerned, Katrina wrote, "I had to grab something quick so I would order a protein shake from the gym (never asking what the protein was made from), grab a 'skinny' latte next door bw [between] clients (tons of fake flavours), or have a bar as a meal while preaching the opposite to everyone!" She also revealed that she would have a Diet Coke at least three times a day. In the words of Katrina, "I was a mess."

Katrina shared that due to her demanding schedule, some nights she would skip dinner and opt for a protein bar and go to sleep. "I knew it was bad. I was going against everything I had learned in college about nutrition but I was in a pattern that I couldn't shake. I suffered from headaches, I felt bloated, soft, sluggish & fatigued," said Katrina.

Eventually she moved to California and made it a priority to take change her lifestyle. That's when she met Karena, and the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan was born. "I was so unhealthy, my confidence was gone, and I was so ready for the next chapter of my life," Katrina recalled. Serious about making a change, Katrina started to eat five times more than she was in the past and structured her meals identical to how they're laid out in the nutrition plan. "It changed my entire life. My bloat went away, my headaches subsided, my energy increased & I felt AMAZING."

"The #1 lesson I got from all of this was saying YES to myself and my own health. I made a decision to put my health 1st," Katrina concluded.