Women Are Opening Up About Subpar UTI Treatments, and We've Never Felt More Understood

Photographer: Rima BrindamourProduct Credit: Balenciaga jacket (over), Brand Name Sandy Liang jacket (under) and skirt // France & Søn Moduline sofaRestrictions: Editorial and internal use only. No advertising, no print.
POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour
POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour

According to research, a global estimate of 150 million people suffer from UTIs every year, with 50 to 60 percent of all women almost likely to contract one in their lifetimes. Although both men and women are susceptible to urinary tract infections like thrush, the pesky infections are more prevalent in women for anatomical reasons, and while some might be lucky enough to only suffer the experience once, many women have multiple infections yearly, with some even dealing with them chronically.

UTIs are quite literally a pain to deal with, they can hamper your day to day life, and even affect your sex life. Anyone who's suffered from one knows that treating them can be an uphill battle littered with holistic remedies, over-the-counter meds, and prescriptions that can often prove ineffective with stubborn infections.

According to Twitter, people are tired of UTIs and the inadequacies they've experienced while being treated for them. After one woman's blunt take on the treatment many receive when suffering from the common infections, the social media site has been flooded with anecdotes about their own experiences. Read on, because you're about to feel heard and understood!

We need a disney princess with chronic UTIs who goes to the doctor and the doctor tells her to always pee after sex and the princess says she's already doing that and the doctor says well that's all the advice I have

— dirtbag winemom (@floozyesq) March 28, 2018

once got a UTI that spread to my kidneys and could have killed me. I had a fever of 108 & couldn't even keep any food down. The doctor blew it off as "the flu" and didn't give me antibiotics because viruses aren't killed by them. UTIs are DANGEROUS and need to be taken seriously

— 𝖟𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖆 (@zairiaxoxo) March 29, 2018

"Have you tried drinking cranberry juice?" pic.twitter.com/Z3vVwNLm2t

— 🤷 (@heartsleeve) March 28, 2018

How about one with severe endometriosis who gets told the pain is 'all in her mind' & she is 'making it up' for 8 or 9 years before having surgery to get proper diagnosis. No apology will be forthcoming from any medical professional for misdiagnosis at that point. Queue song

— Philippa B (@Synaesthezia) March 29, 2018

Can't thank you enough for starting this conversation. I've suffered with chronic cystitis my whole life - I had to leave my job and became super isolated - seeing other people's stories has made my feel less alone. pic.twitter.com/BTOK2GEW5d

— Hope Morton (@HopeMorton) March 29, 2018

This thread has made me feel so less alone. I'm the only one in my family to suffer with urinary tract issues and after 5 years of referrals, medications and therapy I'm still no closer to a diagnosis. I would never wish my pain on anyone but I am so relieved to not be alone ❤😢

— Charl🌹 (@CuteLilTulip) March 29, 2018

"Are you drinking enough water? I don't think you're drinking enough water" pic.twitter.com/7HOH4iSBFM

— you've done well. (@pettybubby) March 29, 2018

How about being a #grownasswoman and being asked by the doctor if you are wiping correctly? But that's okay, thanks to his extremely great care I got to see him again a week later with a kidney infection and scarring that didn't go away for years. Bonus. pic.twitter.com/XbZVduwxlA

— Maire Sublime (@mairesublime) March 29, 2018