This No-Churn Apple Cider Ice Cream Is Fall in a Cone

POPSUGAR Photography | Kaley Rohlinger
POPSUGAR Photography | Kaley Rohlinger

In my opinion, the best part of fall isn't the changing leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, or even afternoons at the apple orchard: it's the apple cider doughnuts. I love a good, hot mug of apple cider, but that flavour in a warm, cinnamon-sugared doughnut just can't be beat. In exploring new ways to enjoy my favourite fall dessert, I decided to try making apple cider ice cream, to have by itself or on top of a doughnut for a true fall treat.

I have to be honest — this ice cream might be better than the famed apple cider doughnut itself. I know that's a lofty claim, but trust me, it's one I take very seriously. At the very least, this ice cream is as good as its pastry counterpart, and unlike a doughnut, you can keep it in your freezer to enjoy fall flavours whenever you wish! If you're an apple cider lover like me, you simply have to try it.

Don't worry, there's no ice cream maker required for this recipe: it's no-churn and super easy. To make it, you'll just need apple cider, heavy whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, a little vanilla, and apple pie spice (cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg also works!). If you've made no-churn ice cream before, this recipe is very similar; the only difference is that you need to reduce the apple cider to get the concentrated flavour (and prevent watery ice cream).

You'll start by simmering the apple cider on the stove until it's reduced to just half a cup, then whisk it with the sweetened condensed milk, apple pie spice, and vanilla.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kaley Rohlinger

While you're doing that, if you have a stand mixer, start whipping the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Then, gently fold the whipped cream into the sweetened condensed milk mixture. Use a spatula rather than a whisk — the goal is to keep as much of the fluff in the whipped cream as possible.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kaley Rohlinger

Once it's all folded together, pour the ice cream into a loaf pan, and freeze for four hours or up to overnight. I topped mine with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar because I was feeling fancy. It adds great flavour to the final product, but it also does add a slight, sugary crunch; something to be considered if you prefer your ice cream velvety-smooth.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kaley Rohlinger

The next morning — this ice cream is so good that you won't want to wait until dessert time — or whenever you're ready, serve and enjoy! I recommend an additional cinnamon sprinkle and an apple cider doughnut accessory if you really want to make this treat Instagram-worthy. Trust me, you'll be glad you made this one!

POPSUGAR Photography | Kaley Rohlinger

Apple Cider Ice Cream

Prep Time25 minutes
Yield1 loaf pan of ice cream

Original Recipe


    • 1 1/2 cups apple cider
    • 1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
    • 1 tbsp. apple pie spice
    • 1 tsp vanilla
    • 2 cups heavy whipping cream


    1. Start by pouring the apple cider into a saucepan and simmering it over low heat for 20-25 minutes, until the liquid is reduced to 1/2 cup.

    2. Add the reduced apple cider to a large mixing bowl with the sweetened condensed milk, apple pie spice, and vanilla. Whisk until thoroughly combined.

    3. In a separate bowl, use an electric mixer or a stand mixer with the whisk attachment to beat the heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form. This should take about five minutes.

    4. Using a spatula, gently fold the whipping cream into the apple cider mixture.

    5. Pour into a loaf pan, and freeze for a minimum of four hours or up to overnight. Enjoy!