A Toddler Is Going Viral Because Her Reaction to Trying Pizza For the First Time Is Too Perfect

My daughter just tried pizza for the first time. pic.twitter.com/yiPNJgUBJg

— Jody Avirgan (@jodyavirgan) March 3, 2018

A toddler just had an early experience of pure bliss after trying pizza for the first time, and her reaction is rightfully going viral. Jody Avirgan, host and producer of the FiveThirtyEight podcast, shared a photo of her toddler's euphoria, which is quickly making its rounds on Twitter and bringing people so much joy.

The now-viral photo features Avirgan's young daughter with her eyes closed, sauce smeared across her adorable face, her little arms held straight up. And we can't help but wonder: is she asking to be held before she collapses of joy? Is she praising a higher power for gifting us humans with such a delicacy? Is she signaling she wants another slice? Probably all of the above.

BRB — we definitely need to get on her level with a slice (or two). While you wait for your own pizza to be delivered, check out some of the hilarious responses to Avirgan's tweet ahead.


— TheAfrocentricAsian (@jmood88) March 3, 2018

Imagine when she tries bacon on pizza.

— Tim Speakman (@TimSpeakman7) March 4, 2018

My son had the same expression the first time he had syrup on pancakes. Then he looked at me like I'd betrayed him for not giving it to him before.

— Margaret KellyMurphy (@MargaretKM) March 3, 2018


— Katie Schramp (@katie_schramp) March 3, 2018


— Chris Herring (@Herring_NBA) March 3, 2018

And joined the Church of Pizza forevermore.

— Catherine Castellani (@WeAreHere) March 3, 2018

Ha, glo-ray! pic.twitter.com/xdyinpxNHS

— Diamond in the Rough 🇺🇸✊🏾 (@MBoogie18) March 4, 2018