I've Found My Dream Coconut Water, and I'm Not Going Back

The jury's still out on the benefits of coconut oil. But coconut water? Still good! Good for your body that is, but not always great on the ol' taste buds. It may aid digestion, replenish electrolytes, and act as a natural hangover remedy, but I've never been convinced by its flavour. That was until found myself sipping on Pret A Manger's offering on a preflight hydration quest.

The 100% pure coconut water is naked of preservatives, additives, and fat, and the taste is sweet without the sickly aftertaste I've always associated with rival brands. It's the closest I've come to sipping on a Caribbean coconut, and I'm sold. To the gods of below-average coconut water: I'm not going back, you can't make me.

Pret's Coconut Water retails at £2.79 and is available in stores across the UK.