The 9 Best Houseplants For Bathrooms

Anyone with a love for plants knows how they can cheer up a space! Indoor plants add a pop of colour and freshness, and some can even help improve the air in your home. And what better room to freshen up than your bathroom? While it's not always the first room in your home you'd consider adding a plant to, your bathroom actually provides ideal growing conditions for certain species. With the moisture-heavy and often warm temperatures, bathrooms are the perfect place to add some flora to your home.

Heart Leaf Philodendron
A Beautiful Mess

Heart Leaf Philodendron

Heart leaf philodendrons aren't just hard to kill — they're also great bathroom plants. This is a popular plant for the indoors because it's so easy to take care of, and they look great in hanging baskets or planters, making them an ideal choice for smaller spaces like bathrooms. They also like to be misted every once in a while, so the steam for your shower is bound to make it happy.

Peace Lily
Flickr user oimax

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are one of the prettier indoor plants out there — their beautiful white flowers are a nice change from the standard dark green indoor plant options, and they're air-purifying. They deal better with underwatering than overwatering, so they make a good choice for a room where they might be forgotten, like a bathroom. Plus, one of the best ways to water them is in the shower to dampen the leaves!

Aloe Vera
Francois et Moi

Aloe Vera

The health benefits of aloe vera are widely known, from helping to soothe sunburns to healing cold sores. So what better place to keep one than with all your other skin treatments and toiletries? While they do well in full sunlight, aloe vera can also be kept in artificial light. They need to be watered deeply but also need to dry out between waterings to avoid root rot.

Studio McGee


Orchids have a reputation for being finicky, but as long as they're given what they need, they can thrive indoors. They're also elegant, colourful, and stylish! Because orchids are tropical, bathrooms offer ideal growing conditions in terms of humidity. They do better in bright, indirect light, so a windowless bathroom may result in fewer flowers.

Lucky Bamboo
StockSnap | Micah Hallahan

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo isn't technically bamboo, but it makes a great houseplant nonetheless! They'll do well in a bathroom that has indirect light, and shouldn't be exposed to direct sunlight. The best part about growing lucky bamboo is that you don't even need to grow them in soil, making them an even more beautiful decorative addition to your bathroom. Keep lucky bamboo in a container with pebbles with the water level above the roots and you'll be good to go.

Spider Plant
Hello Lidy

Spider Plant

Spider plants are yet another popular indoor plant and they're often thought of as the easiest plant to grow. They easily adapt to any number of growing conditions, so they make perfect bathroom plants where the temperature, humidity, and light levels are constantly fluctuating. Let them dry out between waterings and cut them back if they get too big. In the spring, spider plants produce spiderettes, which you can remove and repot for more plants.

Snake Plant
Little Green Notebook

Snake Plant

Snake plants can go for weeks without any attention or water and still look great. Their variegated leaves and different varieties and colours make them an ideal choice for any room. They, like peace lilies, will help to clean the air in your home, and you don't have to hold yourself to a watering schedule to keep them happy. They're great for areas of low light, so stick them in a bathroom corner and you can rely on them for adding long-lasting colour and charm to your bathroom!

Julie Blanner


Succulents can be a controversial plant choice for bathrooms, but it's important to remember that there are so many kinds and not all will be happy in bathroom conditions. Jade plants are one of the hardier succulent varieties and can do quite well in bright, indirect light. Generally, succulents with greener leaves will do better indoors, and, as dessert plants, they don't require a lot of water. If your bathroom is darker, try not to crowd too many succulents together so that they can get as much light as possible.

Polished Habitat


If there's one thing that can be said about ferns, it's that they love humidity. They should be misted regularly, so keeping one or two in your bathroom is a great way to keep them happy without having to work too hard! Most ferns need a bit of light, and some varieties are suited to the cooler temperatures that most bathrooms provide. Keep their soil moist and you should see your ferns thrive!