The Key to Relaxation Relies on How You Curate Your Bedroom

POPSUGAR Photography | RC Rivera
POPSUGAR Photography | RC Rivera

We spend a lot of time in our homes, so much so that it makes sense to pay extra attention to how things are arranged in them. Being mindful about the way you arrange your home isn't just about clever ways of maximising space, it can also positively affect your mood while you're in it.
When it comes to your bedroom, this is even more important given how much time you spend in there, snoozing through alarms, folding laundry, or simply reading a book before bed.

Not having enough time to overhaul your entire home needn't keep you from reaping the benefits of a curated space, according to Wayfair's resident style adviser, Nadia McCowan Hill. The following three tips will help you make the most out of your bedroom.

Make Your Bed

Aside from actually rolling out of bed, making the bed may just be the hardest thing about getting up, however, according to Nadia, "Making a virtue of this simple task will help you to begin each new day in a positive and mindful way." She explained, "Devoting a few minutes to making your bed first thing can act as a mood-boosting and meditative start to the day."

Cut Out Clutter

Being careful of accumulating clutter in your bedroom is important because, as Nadia said, "A cluttered room can increase stress levels." Considering how much time you spend in your bedroom, it's important to make this room as relaxing it can be by taking the time out to declutter. "Regularly editing your belongings so that your room only features pieces that you love" is Nadia's top tip for keeping clutter at bay.

Pick a Palette

The most prominent colours in your room can have an effect on your mood, and Nadia advised, "If you're keen for your bedroom to be a relaxing space, think carefully about the hues that you choose." Although it may not seem like the most practical choice, the current popularity for light and airy bedrooms is easily explained: "an all-white space will promote a sense of purity and calm."