10 Sweet Ways I Show My Partner Every Day Just How Much I Care

Getty | Luis Alvarez

Whether it's saying "I love you" before you both fall asleep at night or saying "no" to the dessert menu on date night when your partner is attempting to eat healthier, there are a million ways to show how much you care about your significant other every single day. Most of the time, words aren't even needed to convey your love and appreciation. From taking care of the chores to planning a couples' getaway, any relationship could benefit from a little extra love, because even if you know how you feel, it never hurts to remind your partner. Here's just a few tiny ways I tell my partner just how much I care — no words required.

Leave love notes where my partner will find them.
Getty | MoMo Productions

Leave love notes where my partner will find them.

Saying "I love you" or "Have a good day" in unexpected ways is always such a nice, welcome surprise.

Take on household tasks without my partner having to ask.
Getty | Thomas Barwick

Take on household tasks without my partner having to ask.

If you know your partner hates loading the dishwasher, take on that chore yourself so they know you're thinking of their needs. They'll most likely do the same for you in return.

Give a warm welcome when my partner returns home.
Getty | Luis Alvarez

Give a warm welcome when my partner returns home.

Be happy to see them! Hug and kiss when you reunite.

Ask my partner about his day and really listen.
Getty | Klaus Vedfelt

Ask my partner about his day and really listen.

When your partner tells you about the highs and lows of their day, make sure you're fully focussed on them and not on your phone or watching TV. They deserve your full attention, and vice versa.

Send my partner interesting or funny links, articles, and pictures throughout the day.
Getty | Klaus Vedfelt

Send my partner interesting or funny links, articles, and pictures throughout the day.

If you see something you think they'll enjoy, send it over. Even if they can't respond right away, it lets them know you're thinking of them.

Surprise my partner with a gift for no particular reason.
Getty | Luis Alvarez

Surprise my partner with a gift for no particular reason.

You definitely don't need to do this every day, but a small and inexpensive gift once in a while (maybe pop out to grab their favourite coffee on a Saturday morning) will mean so much.

Plan our next date night and pick something the two of us have never done before.
Getty | Petri Oeschger

Plan our next date night and pick something the two of us have never done before.

This is also something that realistically can't be done daily, but keeping it as a regular activity will continue to strengthen your bond.

Give my partner a back massage or foot rub while we watch TV.
Getty | Oliver Rossi

Give my partner a back massage or foot rub while we watch TV.

Don't always sit on opposite sides of the sofa when you're watching your favourite TV show. Touch them in small ways and give them a little massage if they've had a hard day at work.

Anticipate my partner's needs and find little ways to make his day easier.
Getty | Hinterhaus Productions

Anticipate my partner's needs and find little ways to make his day easier.

Did your partner stay up really late last night working on a project? Then take the dog out the next morning so they can sleep in a few extra minutes. It's all about the little things.

Share in my partner's dreams and struggles to show my support.
Getty | Luis Alvarez

Share in my partner's dreams and struggles to show my support.

Whether they want to totally switch careers or go for a promotion, support them and be their biggest cheerleader on a daily basis.