This Is Why Your Crystals Aren't Working

Whether it's a rose quartz pendant or a citrine-charged moisturiser, crystals have moved into the mainstream as of late. Thanks to the likes of Instagram and Etsy, the art of crystal healing has had a thoroughly modern makeover, and many of us are turning to crystals for guidance, support, and healing.

Chances are, you may already have crystals on your office desk, bedside table, handbag, or even your bra. However, crystal hoarding isn't necessarily conducive to crystal healing. As Tamara Driessen, aka Wolf Sister, details in her new book, The Crystal Code: "crystals won't work their magic unless you work with them."

"Crystals provide a way for us to reconnect with ourselves but we need to collaborate with them, and see our world through the lens of the crystal for it to have impact," she added. "When done well, working with crystals can help you slow down, tap into your intuition and realign your intentions."

Although Driessen has collected crystals her whole life, it wasn't until she reached the age of 28 and felt trapped in a pattern of negative cycles that she reconnected with her crystals and explored alternative healing. This led her on her own spiritual journey, a period of training in Bali with a shamanic healer, and a career switch. Driessen now splits her time, working with clients one-on-one as a crystal healer, Reiki practitioner tarot card reader, and leading events and workshops on various elements of modern spirituality.

"With increased levels of anxiety and our disconnect from nature, many modern women are turning to crystals. Thanks to social media, crystal healing practises are presented in a accessible and inviting way," Driessen says of the burgeoning trend.

Click through to see some of Driessen's top tips and favourite crystal rituals to get you on the road to spiritual success.

Start with one crystal
Unsplash | Carole Smile

Start with one crystal

When it comes to incorporating crystals in your life, you don't need a large collection. "We can become too prescriptive, buying crystals for every issue or worry we face." In fact, Driessen suggests working with just one to start with. "When buying crystals don't necessarily choose your crystal based on a problem, see which one you are automatically drawn to. Pick up a few and compare how they make you feel," she suggests. "Once you have decided, then look up the crystal's meaning. You'll be surprised how often you've chosen a crystal that's right for you in that moment," she explains. "It's a high five for your intuition and an instant confidence boost."

Use the The Crystal Code as your guide

Driessen points out that you don't even need to buy a crystal to start reaping the benefits of this practise. If you're seeking guidance or assistance, open a page at random from the book much like you would pick a card from a pack. Take time to study both the picture of the crystal, read up on it's story and connect with it's relevance to you.

Try crystal meditation
Unsplash | Emily Bauman

Try crystal meditation

"The stress-busting power of meditation can be supercharged by the addition of crystals," Driessen comments. Simply sit upright with your back supported, your eyes shut and hold your chosen crystal in your left hand. Take deep breaths and then begin to visualise the energy and colour of your crystal moving up your left arm and then throughout your body. Spend as long as you like in the meditation before tuning back into your body by wiggling your toes, stretching your arms or physically feeling the crystal.

Have a crystal bath

"Baths are a great grounding and healing practise," Driessen explains. Put your crystals (check it's compatible with water), flowers (fresh or dried) and two cup fulls of salts (e.g. Dead Sea Salts or Epsom Salts) in the bath and fill with water. Place candles around the outside and then soak and relax. When you've finished, remove the crystals and stay in the bath until the water fully drains visualising negative energy being drawn away.

Sip crystal water
Instagram @VitaJuwel

Sip crystal water

"When water and crystals are combined, something magical happens," Driessen writes in her book. Believe it or not, drinking crystal-infused water is a great practical way to enhance the transmission of crystal healing. To create a crystal elixir make sure to check the crystal you use is water-friendly and sterilise it first in boiling water. Then place in a jar with filtered water for 12 hours before drinking.