Travelling With Your Kids Might Actually Make Them Better in School, Say Teachers

Whether you have a toddler or a tween, there's one thing that all parents typically agree on: taking them on holiday is exhausting. Not only does it occasionally require you take them out of school, but it's expensive, and if they're young, it can be demanding on the parents, who often have to pack and carry for two. Before you go hiding your family's passports, though, a new study conducted by the Student and Youth Travel Association suggests that vacationing can actually help kids become more successful in school.

The survey, first reported in Travel & Leisure, included 1,500 US-based teachers and discovered that 74 percent of educators believed that travel has "a very positive impact on students' personal development." Teachers agreed that children who had the opportunity to travel to experience other cultures (domestic or international) showed increased tolerance and respectfulness toward other students and other cultures, and a willingness to learn. The study also went on to suggest that kids who travel are more likely to be independent and confident.

While the pangs of travelling with kids doesn't diminish any, the payout might be worth the hassle after all.