5 Products That Helped My Newborn Sleep 12 Hours a Night by 10 Weeks

POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Van Arsdale
POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Van Arsdale
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If there's anything I've learned since becoming a mum, it's that every baby and parent is different, and what works for one mum might not work for another. I know I was blessed with a semigood sleeper right from the beginning. Even early on, my husband and I were having to wake him up sometimes for a feeding (until my sister who is a mum of three basically told me I was nuts and to let me kid sleep if he wants to sleep!). That being said, once he was 8 weeks old and still waking up every couple of hours, I knew it was time to do some research.

I was following @takingcarababies on Instagram and found her newborn tips insightful and nonjudgemental, so I decided to take her online newborn class. What I liked about this class was first, it's not sleep training! It's really just teaching you to calm a fussy baby. Second, it works for breastfeeding mums. And third, it explains the importance of a routine versus schedule. I learned a routine can help develop healthy sleep habits, and that eventually had our baby sleeping for eight hours, 10 hours, and now 12 hours a night. And while I encourage you to check out Cara's blog if you want some more tips on that, I will say that a big part of developing our own nighttime routine was about getting the right products to set us up for success. Here's what we used.

Diaper Cream

Diaper Cream

A+D ointment (£25) is essentially my secret weapon when it comes to keeping baby comfortable for long stretches of time at night. After bath time, I apply a healthy coat of this to his baby bottom to act like a moisture barrier while he's sleeping. If I don't apply this, I notice he wakes up in the middle of the night fussy and uncomfortable in his wet diaper and I'll need to change him. Pro tip: get the tub instead of the tube if you can, makes application 10 times easier!

Pajama Set

Pajama Set

When I first found out I was pregnant, I made a total rookie-mom move and bought the most impractical pajamas — ever. I could hear my husband cursing my name in the middle of the night when he was changing a dirty diaper and it would take 10 minutes (or more) each time. These Avauma Pajama Sets (£18) come in literally every colour and the fabric is a dream! Plus, changing time is cut in half so baby stays sleepy and is ready to go right back to bed.

Velcro Swaddle

Velcro Swaddle

Here's the real game-changer. Before baby, I was loaded up with sweet and soft muslin swaddle blankets. We practised on teddy bears. We were ready to go — ha! Those lasted about three days once we got back from the hospital. We just couldn't get the swaddle nice and snug enough to have the comforting effect we were promised. In fact, we thought he hated the swaddle and we were ready to give it up all together. Luckily, the newborn class we took schooled us in all things swaddles. We started using the Ollie Swaddle, which Velcros shut and ties at the bottom so it grows with your baby (and you won't need to buy a new one at every stage). Immediately, we were getting solid stretches of sleep because he was no longer breaking out of his swaddle and startling himself awake.

White Noise Machine

White Noise Machine

Oh, sound machine. How did I ever live without thee?! This was another pro-tip that I now swear by and is a part of our nightly bedtime routine. We live in a one-bedroom city apartment, and the noise from this Big Red Rooster White Noise Machine drowns out any ambient noise and helps baby sleep soundly. Also, it reminds them of their time in the womb and instantly calms them down. If he's ever fussy in the middle of the night, turning up the sound machine normally does the trick!



As a breastfeeding mama, I've heard a lot of conflicting advice when it comes to pacifiers. But for me, the pros definitely outweighed any potential con. Our baby took to the these Bibs Pacifiers (£12 for two) right away and still uses them now that he is 5 months old. And sure, I have to wake up once or twice to replace the pacifier, but he sleeps most of the night without it and he's already getting good at putting it in his mouth all on his own.