My New Year's Resolution Is to Start These Silly Traditions With Each of My Kids

My mum is pretty much my guru when it comes to all things parenting, but I've long accepted that doesn't mean I have to do things exactly how she did. While I know I'll never live up to her saint-level patience, I also don't remember her doing things like blasting the music in the car and leading us in impromptu dance parties, which is a regular occurrence in my young family.

However, there were a couple of silly traditions she created with my brother and I that I will always remember and appreciate because they were fun and reminded us of how special we were to her. Somehow in between working full-time, cleaning, driving us around, feeding us, and being the best person I've ever met, she made up little rituals that were only between herself and one of her children. For me, it was one way we said "I love you"; for my brother, it was a game they played to commemorate the first day of every month. Thirty-plus years later, we still pull them out on occasion.

So this year, my New Year's resolution is to start a silly tradition with each of my children, one thing we'll have only between the two of us that will remind them just how much I love them and add more fun to our relationships. If you're interested in doing the same, here are some ideas to get you started.

Learn the Sign For "I Love You"
Unsplash | Derek Thomson

Learn the Sign For "I Love You"

Teach your kid sign language for "I love you." It's an easy way to express your feelings for one another, and your child is much more likely to return the sentiment at school drop off or a soccer game than if you scream the same words from across the parking lot.

Play the White Rabbit Game
Unsplash | Blaise Vonlanthen

Play the White Rabbit Game

On the first day of the month, every month, for years and years, my mom and brother played a game. Whomever remembered that it was the first and told the other "white rabbit" first won. It's a silly, easy game that no one else in our family participated in. My dad and I knew and appreciated that it was their thing.

Make Up a Secret Handshake
Unsplash | Julia Caeser

Make Up a Secret Handshake

Sure, it's kind of cheesy, but it doesn't have to be Parent Trap-style elaborate. Just make up a special shake that makes saying goodbye or greeting each other after a long absence a lot more fun.

Create a Goodbye Ritual
Unsplash | frank mckenna

Create a Goodbye Ritual

It can be as simple as saying "See you later, alligator," which your child responds with "After a while, crocodile," but find a special way to say farewell, and you're also creating a bond.

Sing a Lullaby or Wake-Up Song
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

Sing a Lullaby or Wake-Up Song

Pick a simple song that you'll sing to your child to help them fall asleep or to wake up in the morning. It doesn't have to be elaborate, and no, you don't have to really be able to sing. Your kid won't care!

Express Your Love in a Constantly Unique Way
Pexels | Zun Zun

Express Your Love in a Constantly Unique Way

I regularly tell my daughter that if they made a line of all the little girls in the world, I would pick her. I didn't realise it was sticking until she recently brought home a story about our family from school and included that very line. Find your own words to express your love and repeat them often.

Ask a Daily Question
Unsplash | Kiana Bosman

Ask a Daily Question

It can be in the morning, afternoon, or evening, but ask your child one question ("What made you feel happy today?" or "What are you most excited about for today?" are both good options) each and every day, and it will soon become your thing.

Plan a Weekly Meeting
Unsplash | NeONBRAND

Plan a Weekly Meeting

Set aside a little time on the weekends to sit with your kids individually to discuss the last week and the upcoming one. Make it more fun by adding a special snack, funny hats, or a silly saying to open and close the meeting.

Schedule a Quarterly One-on-One Date
Unsplash | Bruno Nascimento

Schedule a Quarterly One-on-One Date

At least once every few months, schedule some special time with each child, and always do the same thing. Maybe you take the same walk and track the different seasons or eat at the same restaurant. Consistency creates deeper memories.

Find a Pet Name Your Kids Actually Like
Unsplash | Nathan Anderson

Find a Pet Name Your Kids Actually Like

"Honey" and "sweetie" are fine, but if you can come up with a pet name that makes your child smile and feel special, you've hit the parent jackpot.