Couple Takes in a Stray Cat Named Chunk Chunk During the Polar Vortex, She Makes Herself Right at Home

During the last week of January, much of the US's Midwest and Northeast experienced below-freezing temperatures and bouts of intense snowstorms, called snow squalls. During one such snow squall in Brooklyn, a stray cat started scratching on Nathaniel Styer's apartment window, wanting to come in — and I mean, fair . . . it was freaking freezing. Nathaniel says he recognised the cat as Chunk Chunk, the mother of a litter of kittens he brought in during 2018's polar vortex along with his fiancée, Renee Becerra.

"She disappeared for awhile, but showed back up with a tipped ear — meaning someone trapped her, had her spayed, and released her back to the community. She's always been more friendly than the other members of this cat colony (there are about seven that hang around us)," Nathaniel told POPSUGAR. "I was working from home, and when the 'snow squall' in NYC showed up, she got caught in the storm on our windowsill and clearly panicked."

Although Nathaniel was the one in the right place at the right time for Chunk Chunk, he says Renee is the "true mother of cats in the relationship." He said, "Renee maintains the cat colony (building shelters and feeding them), and I love her — I knew she would want me to help out Chunk Chunk."

Nathaniel set Chunk Chunk up in the bathroom during the storm so that she was away from their dog, Hugo. Now, a week later, the couple is taking her to the vet and is hoping that she and Hugo can get along well — they want their home to be Chunk Chunk's forever home!

Ahead, see a few adorable photos of Chunk Chunk that Renee and Nathaniel have taken since taking her in. (And if you're looking to help strays yourself, Nathaniel says: "We've helped out two different litters of kittens that were born on our property. A huge shout-out to the New York ASPCA for helping find them homes. If people would like to donate — they can find them here.)

Chunk Chunk Scratching at the Window During the Snow Squall

Chunk Chunk's Discovery of the Joys of Cardboard Boxes

Look at How Cute She Is!

She's Already a Pro Poser

Belly Rubs!

Making Herself at Home on the Couch

Chunk Chunk's First Time at the Vet

On Instagram Stories, Renee and Nathaniel shared that though Chunk Chunk has a fractured tooth, she's otherwise healthy and is cleared to meet Hugo. Yay!