13 Tips For Surviving Your First Festive Season as a Parent

Before officially meeting your little one, many parents-to-be dream about all the fun and cosy festivities that await them once they become a family. And even though Winter can undoubtedly be a special time for parents, it's also overwhelming for first-timers. You want to carry on family traditions, decorate the house, get gifts for everyone, and celebrate with family and friends (even though that just means more chances of the flu), all while juggling the obstacles of caring for a newborn. All of this and more can make it hard for parents to really enjoy their first festive season with their child, but don't worry, we've got your back. Keep reading for 13 tips that will make you stress a little less and enjoy your new family more.

If You Have a Partner, Make Sure You're on the Same Page
Pexels | Burst

If You Have a Partner, Make Sure You're on the Same Page

There can be a lot of things parents want to do during their first festive season with their child. Things also get busy, and you want to make sure you help each other out as much as possible. It's crucial to have a sit down with your partner and talk about what your shared goals are for the festive season, so plans can be made to make them happen.

Don’t Go Overboard Buying Presents
Unsplash | Dakota Corbin

Don’t Go Overboard Buying Presents

It's so tempting to buy every festive onesie and new toy out there for your baby, but don't. They won't remember their first festive season anyway! Getting one or two gifts is totally fine, but between grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbours, and friends, it's likely your child will already have a few gifts coming. Save that money (and your sanity).

Say No When You Want To
Unsplash | Gift Habeshaw

Say No When You Want To

Extended family will probably be just as excited as you are to experience the festive season with your child. But don't always feel obligated to attend every get-together you're invited to or feel like you have to have everyone over. This time is special, so don't feel guilty for wanting to spend certain moments with just your partner and your child.

Have at Least 1 Hour of "Me Time" Every Week
Unsplash | Leighann Renee

Have at Least 1 Hour of "Me Time" Every Week

Yes, you're a new parent, but you're also still you, and you need to still take care of yourself. Get a mani-pedi or read that book you've been dying to start — just make sure to take at least one hour every week during the festive season to put yourself first. Giving yourself this "me time" will help you recharge and refocus on enjoying the festivities. And don't ever feel guilty about it.

Skip Hosting This Year
Pexels | Bruce Mars

Skip Hosting This Year

There are times when it's OK to step down from being a hostess for the annual Christmas party or Hanukkah dinner, and this is one of them. Eliminate the extra cleaning, cooking, and hosting duties, and go to a family member's house or a restaurant instead.

Boost Your Family’s Immunity
Pexels | Andres Chaparro

Boost Your Family’s Immunity

'Tis the season for getting the flu. As hectic as things can get over the festive season, take the proper precautions and boost your child's immunity (and your own) by getting enough sleep, sanitising toys, and getting the flu shot.

Don’t Set Your Expectations Too High For Festive Milestones
Pexels | Daria Shevtsova

Don’t Set Your Expectations Too High For Festive Milestones

Chances are, your baby will probably hate taking pictures with Santa, they'll get spit up on their new Christmas outfit, and they'll probably sleep through your visit to the zoo to see the festive lights. But that's life. You can't get caught up in trying to make everything be and look perfect. Traditions will start to form as they get older, so try and relax this first year!

Take a Lot of Pictures
Pexels | J carter

Take a Lot of Pictures

They don't all have to go on Instagram, but the pictures you take during that first festive season will capture such special memories you'll hang on to forever. They're only that little for such a short space of time, so snap away!

Prioritize Being in the Moment
Pexels | Josh Willink

Prioritize Being in the Moment

Yes, you should record some of your child's first Christmas, but also try and savour moments as they come. Don't get so busy that you forget to cherish and fully be present with your child during this magical time.

Put a Time Limit on Family Visits If You’re Overwhelmed
Pexels | Pixabay

Put a Time Limit on Family Visits If You’re Overwhelmed

If you find yourself overwhelmed with visitors, put a time limit on them or designate one day a week when family or friends can come over to see you and the baby.

Avoid Overexposure For Newborns
Pexels | J Carter

Avoid Overexposure For Newborns

Kids, but especially newborns, are easily susceptible to germs. Even though you can't stay cooped up in the house, try not to constantly bring your newborn out during the festive (and flu) season, especially to crowded places where a handful of people might be sick.

Remind Yourself What the Festive Season Is All About
Pexels | Pixabay

Remind Yourself What the Festive Season Is All About

Don't let yourself get super stressed or pulled in too many directions during your child's first festive season. Remind yourself daily to focus on the love you feel for your child and how special it is to be a family during this time of year.