These 10 Plane Activities Will Keep Any Kid Entertained from Takeoff to Touchdown

If you're looking forward to hitting the beach or sightseeing in a new city but dreading the flight, you're not alone. Flying with kids can be daunting for parents. It's easy for children to become restless after a couple of hours stuck on your lap or in their own seats, and if another passenger glares at you, it can make you want to disappear. But there's good news! It doesn't have to be the most difficult part of your trip. With a little research and preparation, you can make the plane ride painless for everyone. Try one of these handy tricks to entertain your child and ensure a (more) peaceful taxi, takeoff, and landing.

Bring Snacks
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Bring Snacks

Many airlines will allow you to travel with whatever your kids need, and that includes snacks (but be sure to check your airline's policy first). Consider packing some extra special treats that you may not normally give at home as either incentives or rewards for good behaviour.

Finish Schoolwork
Pexels | Pixabay

Finish Schoolwork

If your child has homework to complete over holiday, a couple of hours on a plane is the perfect time to get it out of the way before diving into the fun of your destination.

Splurge on Extra Leg Room
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Splurge on Extra Leg Room

Though you have to pay for it, that extra space may be well worth the money since it gives your kid more room to play. Bring some simple, easy-to-pack toys that you can set up on the floor in front of your seat.

Pack a Bag of Surprises
Unsplash | Vanessa Bucceri

Pack a Bag of Surprises

Before we travel, I fill my daughter's backpack with a bunch of surprises. Target's dollar section is great for finding small toys, activity packs, stickers, and colouring books. She's not allowed to open the backpack until we're in the air, and the goodies generally keep her entertained for most of the flight.

Crack Open a Good Book
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Crack Open a Good Book

If your kids are young, pack a couple of favourite (or new) board books to read during your flight. If your child is older, use the flight as an opportunity to start a new chapter book series together.

Play a Game of I Spy
Pexels | Pexen Design

Play a Game of I Spy

Have your kid turn on their observation skills to pass the time. Especially if flying in a plane is a new experience for your kid, this is a fun way to explain some of the things they're seeing.

Try a Back-And-Forth Drawing Game
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Try a Back-And-Forth Drawing Game

Grab a blank sheet of paper, and draw a shape. Then you each take a turn building off one another's drawings. You can also try some back-and-forth storytelling. Begin with "Once upon a time . . ." and go from there. Both options are loads of fun!

Break Out Playing Cards
Unsplash | Aditya Chinchure

Break Out Playing Cards

A game of Go Fish or Old Maid will keep younger kids occupied, while older kids may enjoy games like Rummy or War.

Make a Craft Project
Pexels | Pixabay

Make a Craft Project

As long as it's simple and not messy, let your kid get artistic. Depending on your children's age, things like friendship bracelets or pipe cleaner creations are a perfect way to stay busy.

When All Else Fails, Offer Some Screen Time
Unsplash | Jelleke Vanooteghem

When All Else Fails, Offer Some Screen Time

I bring my daughter's tablet to use as a last resort and allow her to watch pre-downloaded movies or use one of her educational apps.