Hate Your Summer Job? Here Are 6 Tips For Handling It Like a Pro

So you've managed to secure that Summer job or internship, but you're starting to realise that the job you have is definitely not the job you want. Sometimes the job description on an application doesn't quite match the things you're actually doing in the office every day, and other times you're stuck in a position that really just doesn't stimulate you. Summer jobs aren't always the most luxurious in the world, and they often involve long hours performing tasks that you don't particularly want to do.

Dealing with typical stress throughout the workday can be hard enough, but it becomes even more difficult when you're at a job that you can't stand. Although the idea of staying there for a few months can be daunting, don't panic. There are ways to make the most of it and ensure your 9-to-5 life isn't all that bad. Here are a few tips that will help you get through the workday when the only thing you love about your job is the paycheck.

  1. Remember that it's only temporary. Working for the Summer means exactly that. You'll only be at this job for a few months, so remind yourself each morning that you won't be stuck there forever.
  2. Create a life outside of your job. It's easy to get caught up in your work, but it shouldn't be the only thing that you focus on. Having a healthy work/life balance might seem difficult, but planning fun activities outside of work could help motivate you throughout the day.
  3. Take your lunch break every single day. This one might seem like a no-brainer, but skipping lunch to get more work done is more common than you might think. Plan to go on your break around the same time every day, and stick to it. Taking time to get out of the office can better your health by relieving your overall stress and improving your concentration. Plus, who doesn't love a midday treat?
  4. Treat yourself when you're finished. Plan to splurge on something that you've been eyeing and buy it when you finish your last day on the job. Go get that purse you've been pining over, or take yourself on that holiday you've always dreamed of. You deserve it!
  5. Keep to yourself. The workplace can be overrun with office drama, and that really isn't enjoyable for anyone. Keeping to yourself and sticking to your work can help you be more productive while avoiding any office shenanigans.
  6. Think of it as a learning experience. Whether we realise it or not, each job has at least one thing to offer in terms of teaching us something. If you absolutely hate what you're doing, at least you're learning that you don't enjoy the type of work you're in.