11 Habits I Formed That Instantly Made Me Happier

Unlocking the secret to happiness is one of life's biggest questions. While we may assume it's the big things — a new house, a job promotion, marriage — that bring contentment, it's often actually the little things that boost our happiness more significantly. And over time, I've learned that instilling daily healthy habits has made my life easier and improved both my physical and mental well-being. From switching up my morning routine to organising my wardrobe to getting lost in a good book, these are the 11 habits I've formed that have made me a happier person. And while everyone is different, hopefully they'll inspire you to make some positive changes, too!

Using an Alarm Clock
Unsplash | Amanda Jones

Using an Alarm Clock

Making my room a phone-free zone at night and switching to an old-fashioned alarm clock is nothing short of life-changing. Scrolling endlessly before bed is a recipe for disaster when it comes to sleep quality, and waking up to a flurry of notifications can start your day on a stressful note.

Drinking a Pint of Water in the Morning
Unsplash | Yasuo Takeuchi

Drinking a Pint of Water in the Morning

Much of exhaustion is linked to dehydration, so instead of heading straight for the coffee when I feel groggy first thing in the morning, I down some water. It instantly makes me feel more awake.

Making My Bed Every Morning
Unsplash | Rhema Kallianpur

Making My Bed Every Morning

The act of making my bed starts the day on a good foot. It always feels like a satisfying accomplishment. A made bed instantly makes your bedroom look tidier, and this makes it a joy to come home to at the end of a long day.

Listening to Podcasts on My Commute
Unsplash | William Iven

Listening to Podcasts on My Commute

Whether it's an informative documentary, laugh-out-loud comedy show, or insightful interview, podcasts always cheer up a dreary commute. Bingeing on podcasts while on the subway or bus also feels like multitasking.

Streamlining My Wardrobe
Unsplash | S O C I A L . C U T

Streamlining My Wardrobe

A more minimal wardrobe makes getting dressed 10 times easier. I only have items in my wardrobe that are season-appropriate, so I can see obviously what I have to choose from.

Marie Kondo-ing My Drawers
Unsplash | Dan Gold

Marie Kondo-ing My Drawers

Marie Kondo's much-lauded folding method is revolutionary. The smart, three-part rolling technique means it's much clearer to find items in my drawers, and I know that each item is there because I genuinely like it.

Not Having Caffeine After Lunch
Unsplash | Debby Hudson

Not Having Caffeine After Lunch

Switching to herbal teas in the afternoon has majorly improved my sleep quality. I fall asleep quicker and wake up less during the night.

Practicing Restorative Yoga
Unsplash | Form

Practicing Restorative Yoga

While meditation is notoriously tricky, you can reap similar benefits with restorative yoga. This style of yoga focuses on lying in supported poses for six to eight minutes while concentrating on your breath. If I'm feeling frazzled or stressed, this is my go-to. I always feel Zen afterwards.

Reading Before Bed
Unsplash | Kate Williams

Reading Before Bed

We all know the blue light emitted via electronic devices wakes up the brain and disrupts sleep. Reading a book does the opposite. Cracking on with a good book every night definitely makes me happier than aimlessly scrolling through social media.

Using the Pomodoro Method While Working
Unsplash | Micheal

Using the Pomodoro Method While Working

This method requires you to work on one task at a time in 25-minute bursts. The key is to remove all distractions for this period (distracting tabs, social media, your phone, etc.), then break for five minutes before starting again. It's the only way I can get my work done.

Cooking Every Sunday
Unsplash | Kevin McCutcheon

Cooking Every Sunday

Batch-cooking a healthy meal on Sunday (I love making a veggie curry or chili) means I always have a nutritious meal in the fridge when I run out of time to make lunch or dinner during the week.