You Can Find Disney's New Droid Headbands in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge — They're BB-Great!

POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith
POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith

The reasons to love Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland are innumerable, but the out-of-this-world merchandise has to be at the top of the list. Park guests can build their own droids, design their own light sabers, and take home an intergalactic pet from the Black Spire Outpost market. While I couldn't spot any Mickey Ears among the incredible trinkets and toys, I found some items that might be even better — R2-D2 and BB-8 headbands.

Located in the Droid Depot, these adorable accessories feature the fan-favourite Star Wars bots. Each headband even lights up and beeps, just like the droids in the films. If you're not in the market to create a $100 droid, take one of these $30 headbands home instead. They're just as lovable as the droids you see onscreen.

R2-D2 Headbands At Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge
POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith

R2-D2 Headbands At Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith

POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith

BB-8 Headbands At Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge
POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith

BB-8 Headbands At Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith

POPSUGAR Photography | Karenna Meredith