Keep Wellness Top of Mind All Day Long With 8 Healthy Habits

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Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn't happen all at once; it's about the little things that add up over time and eventually morph into full-fledged habits. And when practised consistently, they end up making a world of difference. Easier said than done, though, right? The key, at least at first, is for these habits to be simple and enjoyable, which will make it infinitely easier to stick to them long-term.

Developing healthy habits takes time, dedication, and determination. No one said it'd be easy, but it's definitely worth it. The tips ahead will help ease you into a healthier lifestyle, and they're so easy to incorporate into your day that you can start right now. You'll be feeling more energetic, clear-headed, and accomplished in no time.

Invest in a Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker

Invest in a Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker

Staying on top of all things health-related can seem overwhelming. There's water intake to record, steps to count, hours of sleep to track, and so much more. Consider the Fitbit Charge 5 + Premium (available at John Lewis for £129) your handy personal assistant. The brand's newest and most advanced fitness and health tracker helps keep you accountable, motivated, and completely informed about your health journey.

It offers unique features like a Daily Readiness Score on Fitbit Premium. Each morning, you'll get a score in the Fitbit app based on your activity, sleep, and heart rate variability. You'll also get a personalised goal for the day, plus recommended workouts or recovery sessions depending on what your body needs that day. As you get more fit over time, your scores and daily goals adapt with you. It also has a skin-temperature metrics and tools for activity, sleep, stress management, 24/7 heart rate tracking, and heart rate heat maps; not to mention a sleek design and a vibrant colour display.

It even comes equipped with a built-in GPS, which allows you to see your real-time pace and distance without having your phone on you when exercising. It also has up to seven days of battery life. In addition, you get Active Zone Minutes, 24/7 heart-rate tracking and over 20 goal-based exercise modes. If you want to get even more out of your Fitbit, the Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker unlocks a six-month membership of the brand's Premium programme, which includes personalised insights, advanced analytics, guided programmes, mindfulness and sleep tools, workouts, and more.

Begin Your Day With a Healthy Breakfast

Begin Your Day With a Healthy Breakfast

There's a reason breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. Starting your day off right with a hearty, nutrient-packed meal tends to lead to healthier food choices later on. It also reduces brain fog, curbs cravings, and provides you with much-needed energy after fasting overnight. In the long term, eating breakfast can even reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

But don't get it twisted, as delicious as they taste, sugary cereals or pastries don't cut it. In order to reap breakfast benefits, focusing on nutrition is a must. We're talking oatmeal with nut butter, fruit, nuts, whole-grain toast, fresh eggs, natural yoghurt, or smoothies with fresh fruits and vegetables. The fibre and protein from these foods will help you feel fuller longer while supplying your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to feel strong.

Take a 30-Minute Walk

Take a 30-Minute Walk

The British Heart Foundation recommends engaging in moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, which can be split up into 30 minutes a day for five days a week. It doesn't have to be running or lifting, either. The good news is that you can benefit just as much from a 30-minute walk — and you can use your Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker to monitor your steps while you're at it.

Going for a stroll is also the perfect excuse to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Simple exposure to the sun (paired with SPF, of course!) enables your body to produce vitamin D, which helps fight fatigue, a weakened immune system, bone and back pain, low mood, and depression.

Drink an Extra Glass of Water

Drink an Extra Glass of Water

Staying hydrated is so important for a variety of reasons. For starters, water helps your body function properly and efficiently, regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, relieves headaches and brain fog, and helps keep your skin clear and supple.

While some people aim to eight glasses a day, you don't have to start off that ambitious. Simply make it a goal to drink one extra glass a day. You can even keep track of your intake using the Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker. Turn it into a game and see how much you can drink within one day.

Eat Another Handful of Greens

Eat Another Handful of Greens

Just like with water, you can't really overdo it in the veg department — especially when it comes to power vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. Leafy foods like these are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre, yet are low in calories, meaning you get a whole lot of nutritional bang for your buck.

Throw some in a smoothie, use them as a base for salad, or cook a few with your dinner and add them to rice or serve with potatoes. They'll help reduce your risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental decline. And again, you don't have to go full-steam ahead from the get-go. Start by simply adding a serving or two to a meal.

Stretch Daily

Stretch Daily

Make it a goal to get up and move throughout your day. If you sit at a desk for long periods of time, try setting an alarm every 30 minutes. For 30 minutes of sit time, do some stretching or small, easy movements for two to three minutes.

By simply moving, you're strengthening your muscles, bones, and joints. This will help benefit not only your body (increased flexibility, better mobility, improved blood flow, etc.), but also your mind. Even a two-minute break can leave you feeling more refreshed and centered.

Practise Breathwork

Practise Breathwork

When feelings of stress start to overwhelm you, take a second to sit back and simply breathe. Maybe close your eyes and lips, inhale through your nose, and practise the 4-7-8 breathing method (breathe in for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, exhale completely for a count of eight).

Deep, intentional breathing can lower your heart rate, regulate your blood pressure, and help you instantly relax and focus. It can be done anytime, anywhere and isn't just for stress relief. Experts recommend diaphragmatic breathing for five to 10 minutes three or four times a day. You can also reduce stress levels with the Stress Management app located on the Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker.

Go to Bed a Half Hour Earlier

Go to Bed a Half Hour Earlier

We've all heard that seven to eight hours of sleep a night is ideal. And while that doesn't always feel possible, hopping into bed just 30 minutes earlier than you normally do usually is attainable.

Solid sleep doesn't just give you more energy and put you in a better mood. It's also good for your heart, weight management, and high blood pressure. You can even sneak in a short nap during the day, but don't overdo it — 30 minutes is all you should need. And remember to power down your phone when you crawl into bed. As tempting as it is, the added stimulation is the last thing you want before lights out.

The Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker helps here as well. It allows you to track your sleep; presenting you with a sleep score using built-in HR monitoring. In addition, it has a Smart Wake feature, which finds the best time to wake you up based on your optimal sleep stage.

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John Lewis wants to help you explore a holistic approach to health and happiness. Forget about quick fixes and focus on ongoing self-fulfillment by pursuing your passions, developing feel-good habits, and, ultimately, enriching your life.

To help you on your journey, when purchasing a Fitbit Charge 5 Health and Fitness Tracker from John Lewis, you receive a two-year guarantee as well as free standard delivery. The tracker is also available for click-and-collect.