15 Fun and Free Things to Do Alone

We all lead such busy lives that sometimes we find ourselves at a loss about what to do when we have time to ourselves. If you're an introvert, plans getting cancelled at the last minute gives you much-loved alone time, and if you're an extrovert, it creates an opportunity for you to go out and meet new people on your own. And many times, you're just treating yourself to some "me" time.

But what can you do? It's important to remember that enjoying your own company isn't sad, lonely, or boring (it's actually quite the opposite!), and it definitely doesn't mean you have to spend money in order to keep yourself occupied. From working up a sweat to writing down your thoughts, keep reading for 15 really nice things you can do alone that won't cost you a dime.

Read a Book
Unsplash | Prassana Kumar

Read a Book

You know that delicious feeling when you're so engrossed in a book that you lose all track of time? Well, dig out your favorite classic, or borrow a new hit from a friend or library, and jump into a literary adventure.

Pexels | Ella Olsson


Cooking doesn't have to be a chore, and when you do it for yourself, you can really focus on what you want to try, taste, and experiment with. Raid your kitchen, and see if you can improvise on a staple dish or treat by concocting something delicious from scratch. But remember: no cheeky trips to the store! You can only use the ingredients you already have at home.

If you're stuck for ideas, try apps like Supercook for suggestions.

Have a Digital Detox
Pexels | Pixabay

Have a Digital Detox

Spend time cleaning out your digital life. Unsubscribe from mailing lists you don't read, unfollow people on social media who don't make you happy, and even simply switch your phone off for the day. By scaling back on the white noise of your feeds, you might find yourself feeling calmer and embracing the day and its little moments rather than focusing on what everyone else is doing. Tech might play a big part in our lives, but it doesn't have to rule it.

Take a Walk
Unsplash | JonathanKho

Take a Walk

Explore your local area on foot. You'll be amazed by how much you notice when you aren't rushing around running errands or getting distracted by your phone. Look up, take your time, and appreciate everything around you.

Make a Mixtape
Unsplash | rawpixel

Make a Mixtape

Yes, we call them playlists now, but mixtapes sound more fun, don't they? Uncover old high school gems you loved, fall in love with new releases, and sing at the top of your lungs. It's creative, it's fun, and singing out loud has amazing benefits for your mental health. Just try it!

Switch Up Your Style
Unsplash | Shanna Camilleri

Switch Up Your Style

Why don't you take all of the style lessons you've learned from your favorite style icons (hello, Tan France from Queer Eye) and apply them to your own wardrobe? Dare to be as bold and brave as you like with your makeup and clothing. Not only will you have fun, but playing dress up can help you discover new ways to wear old favorites. You can reinvent your wardrobe without spending a penny!

Bullet Journal
Unsplash | Estée Janssens

Bullet Journal

Bullet journaling is a great way to practice mindfulness and organize your life in a creative, inspiring way. The beauty of bullet journaling is that you can use whatever you have lying around. Think old wrapping paper, scraps of cards, random Post-it notes, and those half-used felt pens that you'd forgotten about.

Visit a Free Museum
Pexels | Negative Space

Visit a Free Museum

Many museums offer free admission days, so take advantage! Soak up the atmosphere, be inspired by the art and architecture, and enjoy your own company whilst still being part of a crowd. After all, spending time by yourself doesn't have to be lonely.

Start and Finish a Home Project
Burst | Sarah Pflug

Start and Finish a Home Project

Never got around to finishing that scarf you were making two Winters ago? Keep forgetting to hang those pictures up? Get to it. Completing those tasks will get rid of clutter, and you can enjoy your new and improved surroundings. Plus, finishing a task just feels good, doesn't it?

Unsplash | Eye for Ebony


Take the time to check in with yourself. What are you proud of? What are you grateful for in your life? What are your goals and dreams? Think big. Think fun. Think of the things you would really love to do, and brainstorm ways to make it happen. Enjoy the freedom of thinking of the world as your oyster rather than putting pressure on yourself to create a game plan on how to gain instant success.

Pamper Yourself
Pexels | Burst

Pamper Yourself

Indulge in a luxurious bubble bath, put on a face mask, kick back, and relax. At first you might feel a little guilty (we're bombarded with messages that we should be busy all the time), but don't forget that it's just as important to make time for rest and relaxation as it is to work hard and play hard.

Listen to a Podcast
Burst | Matthew Henry

Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are a wealth of information. You can learn something new and educational, or you can spend your time laughing along to silly stories from your favorite celebrities. Whatever podcast you prefer, sit back and really take the time to hear what you're listening to.

Engage Your Brain
Pexels | Pixabay

Engage Your Brain

Doing a puzzle, solving a crossword, or practicing your Sudoku skills are all great ways of keeping your mind active and stimulated.

Unsplash | Bewakoof.com Official


Working out your thoughts, stresses, and feelings through a good solo workout is an awesome feeling. Whether you hit the pavement outside for a run or do exercises in the comfort of your own home, working up a sweat can be fun and vital for mental clarity.

Learn How to Play a Musical Instrument
Pexels | Steshka Willems

Learn How to Play a Musical Instrument

How many of us have a ukulele, guitar, or some random instrument that we can't bear to give away because we've vowed to one day learn how to play it? Well, now's your chance! Enjoy the thrill of trying something new, failing joyfully, and then trying again. It might become both fun and frustrating, but by the end of it, you might have picked up a new skill.